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Hires interior render IRR/LC setting

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  • #16
    To get rid of those IR splotches at hi res, I found out that lowering the Adaptative amount in rQMC sampler from 1 to 0,9 (or less if needed) works very well, even at Low/medium IR presets...

    If you stay at 1, and then goes to Higher IR presets, it will only lower the size of the splotches but not get rid of them.

    Beware if you have an extensive use of glossies, it may increase render time slightly (but not drastically in my experience)
    Philippe Steels
    Pixelab - Blog - Flickr


    • #17
      Just My 2 Cents

      Sometimes just focusing on those rendering setups aren't enough. My
      pass experiences tell me sometime the amount of light ... as in the
      brightness of your light source can cause splotches too. Bigger area light
      sources require higher subdiv for shadow ... but smaller light sources
      dont. So don't kill yourself playing with the subdivs before you understand
      what it does and doesn't do.

      Pushing the global subdivs will be sucidal. I also experience more noise if
      my irradiance calculation is set to high max/min resolution at times ... at
      times my irad would be as low as max-7 min-4 and with LC set to 100 onli!
      and still gives me enough punch.

      I have always tried to push the rendering time below an hour that's my

      Ah ... and also don't use 0.01 for your LC sample size this can cause
      unecessary noise as the samples are so small it creates needle dots. I
      usually set it to about 0.03 for hires ... or even higher when the noise
      don't go away.

      Best regards,
      Victor NSY
      Studio Max 2009 x64
      X5000 Chipset | Dual Core Intel 5140 | 4G RAM | Nvidia FX3450 drv

