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Secondary rays bias gretaer than 0 - Any drawback ?

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  • Secondary rays bias gretaer than 0 - Any drawback ?

    I was wondering if there was a drawback to always put 0,001 for the value of the Secondary rays bias (instead of 0) I understand that the GI solution is not "perfectly" accurate with this parameter, bet when it's not barely visible, what's the problem ?

    Any drawback in term of quality of your solution, render times, or other issues?
    Philippe Steels
    Pixelab - Blog - Flickr

  • #2
    sometimes it messes with your direct light shadows.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      The problem would be if the offset is large enough to skip some surface in the rendering and cause incorrect shadows. For example, if you have a room enclosed with 1-surface walls only (no thickness), the ray bias might cause the rays to jump outside the room near corners producing bright edges.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vlado
        The problem would be if the offset is large enough to skip some surface in the rendering and cause incorrect shadows. For example, if you have a room enclosed with 1-surface walls only (no thickness), the ray bias might cause the rays to jump outside the room near corners producing bright edges.

        Best regards,
        Ok, I understand. Thanks for the help

        Hopefully, all my projects are modelled "volumetrically" but it may happen when importing models from crappy soft
        Philippe Steels
        Pixelab - Blog - Flickr


        • #5
          occasionally this happens

          Dear all,

          I occasionally get rendering with rays peeking thru my model even with
          0.0 secondary ray bias ... is it due to the fact that my models may be intersecting each other? Turning on the check sample visiblity don't seem
          to help ... if I am correct then it would be a modeling problem ... how can
          I achieve a correct modeling tech. which is spoken here? I have always
          modelled using minimum surface possible.

          best regards,
          Victor NSY
          Studio Max 2009 x64
          X5000 Chipset | Dual Core Intel 5140 | 4G RAM | Nvidia FX3450 drv

