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Different renderprimitives

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  • Different renderprimitives

    Maybe a bit too big to just drop it in the wishlist. So, to put it short: are you planing to add support for other render primitives such as splines (for hair, fur, not the current face based hair generation done by VRayfur) or even the direct intersection testing on various functions, nurbs surfaces perhaps? Or is something other than faces already supported, and accessible via the sdk? I'm just being curios here. Every time and then I got this urge to visualize pretty functions in 3D, just for my amusement, and to do this I use basic freeware raytracers quite far from the capabilities of VRay.

    Best regards,
    credit for avatar goes here

  • #2
    V-Ray allows you to write custom primitives for raytracing any kind of geometry (the VRayPlane and VRaySphere are an example), so if you are so inclined you can code your own implicit objects - like Dieter has done with his implicit surface plugin.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Oh, I see, thank's for the insight! I thought the geometric sdk examples were creating faces during rendertime, so as Dimo's iso implemetation.

      Best regards,
      credit for avatar goes here


      • #4

        nope my implementation does real ray intersections. I wrote the meshing only for the viewport. I wrote an implicit object for blobs, too. Works like a charm. The Sphere example of the SDK is a good starting point for coding ray intersections. It's not too hard to understand. VRay gives you a ray und you tell him where the intersection is.

        Best regards,

        visit my developer blog

