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universal settings, override

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  • universal settings, override

    universal settings are great.
    i push the max subdivs to 100 and control everything with the noise threshold.
    i never have to look at material or light subdivs anymore, if there is some noise i can get rid of it with the threshold, without over-subdividing not so important parts.
    it works all great.
    so far so good, but now i have a problem with grass. i use displacement for grass, but then the universal settings take forever to get rid of the grass noise. but, i want that noise in the grass. at least with stills. the great thing about displaced grass is that it adds random noise, with looks like realistic grass.
    i would like to be able to override the universal settings with max subdivs locally, like: max 4 subdivs for this grass object/material. (instead of: "refine it, until all noise is gone")
    instead of the universal settings to override all local subdivs i'd like to be able to do it the other way around.
    Marc Lorenz
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

  • #2
    vlado can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think such thing is possible in vray due to its architecture.
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      It is a tricky issue... we may be able to think of something for future versions, but for now there isn't much to be done. BTW what kind of displacement are you using? 2D or 3D?

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        i'm using 2d displacement for grass...
        3d displacement isn't really working for me.
        btw, it would be great if the 2d displacement modifier would be able to handle uvw "real world mapping".

        i don't know about the internal architecture, but from a users point of view, i think it would make most sense to let vray handle the noise, based on threshold values (because vray seems to actually know where the noise is visible, so why should the user fiddle around with subdiv settings).
        but in some situations there may be cases where noise isn't such a bad thing (like grass, concrete, etc), in other situations (clean glossy surfaces) it is critical that there is no pixel noise.
        so i vote for an automated vray subvids/noise management, with the possibility of local overrides, instead of the way around, as it is the case right now. (as far as i understand).
        Marc Lorenz
        ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


        • #5
          but in some situations there may be cases where noise isn't such a bad thing (like grass, concrete, etc), in other situations (clean glossy surfaces) it is critical that there is no pixel noise.

          I agree with the need of having local material overrides as the universal settings method often takes too much noise/contrast out of textures that should actually have it to look realistic.


          • #6
            It would be handy if possible, but I kinda dread any more bells,whistles, knobs or buttons that I have to remember to set correctly

            Brett Simms


