I was just reading this in the Max SDK documentation:
"Several standard MAX shaders, like the Aniso and ONB shaders, composite specular highlights over the diffuse light, and the calculation looks something like:
color = diffuse * (1 - specular) + specular;
This works fine as long as specular is between 0 and 1. If specular goes above 1, you get all kinds of unusual artifacts. This calculation is done this way to prevent color clipping because of bright specular highlights..."
This might be one of the reasons why these shaders have problems with VRay - very bright specular highlights are not unusual in VRay...
Best regards,
"Several standard MAX shaders, like the Aniso and ONB shaders, composite specular highlights over the diffuse light, and the calculation looks something like:
color = diffuse * (1 - specular) + specular;
This works fine as long as specular is between 0 and 1. If specular goes above 1, you get all kinds of unusual artifacts. This calculation is done this way to prevent color clipping because of bright specular highlights..."
This might be one of the reasons why these shaders have problems with VRay - very bright specular highlights are not unusual in VRay...
Best regards,
specially: which values are involved in the gi calculation?
is it only diffuse or does specular as well contribute to the result?