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Q: about lights...

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  • Q: about lights...


    How can I calculate, what must be the multiplier value for a real light?
    For example: I have 100W light bulb in my scene (radius i.e. = 1) - how I can know, what multiplier I must set?

    Anyway, thanx for creating VRAY!

  • #2
    oohh good question, but i dont think it can really be answered right now. Lights native to max and vray aren't really unit dependant so like i said, not sure how you could answer that. Hopefully in the future, vray will have its own built in support for ies data with its own lights and such...

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      why dont you use Photometric lights.........
      they work perfectly with vray and you know how much power its emmiting.

      try this site and look for the i drop download,
      you can get all sorts of lights from there, and all the ies files.


      • #4
        I have the exact question but mine is a little more refined now that I read this thread.

        I did my research and found the bulb manufacturer Ushio, had them e-mail me some photometric data from the bulbs I'm using.

        Now that I have the Light Distribution Profile...

        should I just try to find a halogen at Erco with a similar distribution or is there a better way to get a match?



        • #5
          isn't it possible to load ies data into the photometric light sources so you can custumize them?

          Vance Miller


          • #6
            on their site i notice viz mentioned but i dont see mention of max. Are these ERCO lights not compatible with max? I think i read that max5 has something like that. But what to max4 people do. Wouldnt it be possible to do tests with different settings in realworld units and write up a list of multipliers needed to recreate bulbs of certain wattages?

            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
            stupid questions the forum can answer.


            • #7
              you can use the viz lights on the erco site.
              or you can get the ies files and just use those.
              just put a photometric standard light into your scene and then specify the web file that you have downloaded.
              or you could use i drop in the erco site...... the starpoint lights are the best ones.



              • #8
                like i said...what about us max4 users

                or are these viz lights just standard max lights setup with the correct multipliers and falloffs?

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #9
                  Thanks Elf, I guess I should have said that I use Max4.

                  I only have an image of the data, which was faxed to me, not an actual digital format of it.

                  I thought there may be a way to enter these values int Max4.

                  Any ideas?



                  • #10
                    in max 4 with the free luminaire plugin



                    • #11
             seems that the site is down. if you want i can send you the plugin


                      • #12
                        Thanks so much



                        • #13
                          Just one other question if this plugin dosen't work out. (Plan B )

                          I'd like to be able to use a more realistic lighting similar to some stage lights I've recently purchased.

                          Here is the kit I'm waiting on in the mail: (sounds like I'm waiting in the box but I'm just bad at grammar )


                          Could I compare them to the Focalflood family on Ercos site or would someone suggest a better comparison?

                          Thanks in advance,


                          • #14
                            good question
                            good answer!

