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A better lighting setup?

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  • A better lighting setup?


    I've been working in the CG field full time for a year now and I'm doing architecture renderings more than anything else.

    Attached are two of my recent renders. As you can see they are pretty un-interesting houses. These are the types of houses I do and they never get any more interesting. The limits of my creative freedom is the background trees and the landscaping) My camera angles are chosen to show the most information possible without being unrealistic.

    When it comes to lighting I use the daylight system with a vraysky for my bg and just position it until it looks ok which generally only takes 1 minute.

    My question to everyone is; What, if anything, can i do with my sun position and render setup to give my image a bit more depth and impact given the limits of my creative control.

    As you can see I put image planes of trees behind the camera to give a bit more depth and dynamic to the image but short of that I'm pretty lost for ideas...

    Any comments are much appreciated.

    Attached Files
    James Burrell
    Visit my Patreon

  • #2
    Actually those homes are plenty interesting. Your problem is your lighting setup. In the first image, you have the light behind the camera, so that it flattens the image and loses contrast. I know it can be tough when the client wants all sides to be 'shown' in their best light.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."

