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VRayEnvironment Fog Alpha problems

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  • VRayEnvironment Fog Alpha problems

    Hi all.

    I am using this to create some cloud layers at different heights. I basically have two box gizmos with different z values.

    When i render these, with the fog applied i get some nice clouds. But the Alpha channel only shows me the alpha from one set. The set which is higher. If i turn this set off and render just the low set on their own, the alpha is perfect for them. If i render the high set on their own the alpha channel is perfect for them also.

    the problem arises when i render both sets together, the alpha only shows me the higher set of clouds and completely removes the low set.

    There are no vray properties or max properties that can be changed when right clicking on the gizmos. Any ideas how i can render the two sets together and have the alpha channel showing both sets too?

    Ideally i don't want to have two different render passes for each set of clouds as this will double the amount of passes and outputs i have to create. I fear this is my only option though!
