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Growing framebuffer instead a fixed framebuffersize???

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  • Growing framebuffer instead a fixed framebuffersize???

    It will renders slower, but if i would have the choice i would maybe prefer in some situations to render an image which "grows" with the rendertime..

    ..just an idea
    Last edited by Dschaga; 30-09-2009, 07:13 AM. | - home of hdri knowledge

  • #2
    It would be quite complicated to get this to work, since V-Ray renders in buckets right now. Different buckets may reach different sampling levels, and it is not clear how to stitch these together. Also, when using the DMC sampler, V-Ray just shoots random rays inside the pixels, they do not form a grid structure that can be resized.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I know it's a kind of stupid and unrealistic idea at the moment(?) , but it would be a really different experience if you don't have to think in fixed size and fixed details, but in variable time at variable size but with fixed details.

      If there is a very huge basesize of the image 8000x8000.. and an irradiance rate from -10 to 0 the image could be scaled down with the first pass to 1/10 of the base size... the next pass would mean the image to be scaled down by 1/9 and so on... | - home of hdri knowledge


      • #4
        David, suppose you indeed have a prepass: after you reach 1:1, you have the FB fully allocated in ram (supposing it was possible at all to follow your idea).
        What would be then the benefit?
        Compare that to having the same thing you're proposing, but through FB pre-allocation (like it is now) and the zoom function, and you see it would be a pile of work for marginal benefits
        Unless i misunderstood the post, ofc, which wouldn't be a first
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


        • #5
          think about the size of a finalrender ...4000x3000 or something like that.
          I never handout final sized images to clients while it's not really finished or without the ok from the client, but i would like to continue rendering (or in this case grow) an image which got the ok from my client.
          I have to start a complete new rendering with the fixed framebuffer and can't reuse the previewrendering.

          Also think about the scenario where you gamble and know this is maybe the finalrendering where the client will give you the ok, but instead rendering an previewimage and stop rendering at decent size you could take a snapshot at 1300x1000 and send it to the client while the rendering is still going on and the image is growing to the final size.
          When the client is calling you half an hour later the exact same image in finalsize is maybe ready - then it is a timesaver!

          btw, ... i placed this thread in the render theory group, because i know that this is an odd idea and can't be done with the actual (bucket) rendertechnology.
          Last edited by Dschaga; 06-10-2009, 01:55 AM.
 | - home of hdri knowledge

