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lwf 2.0

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  • lwf 2.0

    hi i think im doing this right?

    gamma 2.2 set in max for mat ed etc
    linear multiply colour map with gamma 2.2
    should i have the linear workflow check box ticked in 2.0?


  • #2
    No. The checkbox is meant as a shortcut for legacy scenes that were not set up using lwf.



    • #3
      great thanks!


      • #4
        Originally posted by instinct View Post
        No. The checkbox is meant as a shortcut for legacy scenes that were not set up using lwf.

        What if you dont change your worlflow and keep checking that tick box.

        I did tests on couple scenes, got same result regular lwf and tickbox. Checking the lwf box and never play with max gamma is much more easier and simplier. Even reflections, bump maps works better.


        • #5
          Originally posted by muzzy View Post
          Checking the lwf box and never play with max gamma is much more easier ...
          Other problems can arise...

          I checking the lwf box and started noticing that my clothes dryer would randomly lose one of my socks.


          • #6
            Originally posted by JeffG2 View Post
            Other problems can arise...

            I checking the lwf box and started noticing that my clothes dryer would randomly lose one of my socks.
            lol. i've never been sure of exactly why the lwf checkbox shouldn't be used. it seems like it would make the process a lot quicker.

            The gamma correction method i'm using is similar to yours simon123. the only other thing i do is check that material colour selectors and material editor are checked in Max's gamma settings, and also adjust Bitmap Files input gamma to 2.2.
            Then if you are using an hdri you'd need to adjust the bitmap gamma manually for it to be correct, possibly also with bump and displacement maps.

            Or an alternative method people suggest is to leave input gamma at 1.0 and adjust all maps you load to 2.2 (excluding hdri's and bump/disp. maps).
            (This is assuming that maps are in gamma 2.2 space- i.e they display correctly on a monitor close to gamma 2.2 (most monitors) if the maps are in gamma space of 1.0 you need to make sure they are 1.0- if your bitmap input gamma is 2.2 change them manually when loading to 1.0 or or if your bitmap input gamma is at 1 you can leave these 'linear images' at default of 1.0...)

            If you're rendering to .EXR or other 32 bit format this method won't be correct, as you need to leave the image un-gamma-corrected (1.0 gamma or linear space). This allows for proper use in compositing software and more flexibility with adjusting gamma and other things in post.

            I find the 'baked' method simpler and quicker as it doesn't require saving to gamma corrected space in post for each image, but in the future i want to look at using 32 bit images for final renders to have more flexibility with editing.

            taking a while, but i'm getting a better understanding of lwf (and all the different possible implementations!!!)
            looking forward to big red button that says gamma on or gamma off, which does it automatically- including knowing what gamma maps are (should be saves into their profile).
            ideally if all monitors and programs were to switch over to linear space/gamma 1 (and auto correct for legacy gama 2.2 images/...) that would make it simpler and remove the necessity to gamma correct, but might as well ask america to move over to metric + there are still a lot of CRT monitors around, and might not be able to get close enough to linear display.
            Last edited by add101; 15-02-2011, 02:13 AM.


            • #7
              If i am not mistaken the checkbox does not work for everything (standard mats, 3rd party maps/mats). So that might lead to issues. Usually if there is a warning in the docs saying you shouldnt, then you shouldnt :P

