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dmc sampler

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  • dmc sampler

    ok so im attempting to explain the dmc sampler in this course im doing.. understanding it is the first step.

    maybe its just an interface design thing, but as i understand it, we have the adaptive amount setting, and the min samples, and at a setting of adaptive 1, vray will use the min samples then start adaptively adding as it needs to until it hits the noise threshold or the subdiv setting of whatever its calculating..

    my question is.. why have an adaptive amount setting? why not get rid of it and change the min samples to a min subdivs setting.

    setting this to 8 subdivs when your materials had 8 subdivs would equate to adaptive amount 0

    setting it to 3 subdivs would (approximately) give you the same as adaptive 1 and min 8 samples.

    im not actually questioning your logic, but i just have a feeling i dont understand it properly, since it seems like there are more controls than necessary, which is more unlikely than me not understanding P

  • #2
    another nerdy question.. i (think i) understand that when using dmc aa, the number of material glossy subdivs is divided by the number of aa subdivs, so as we increase the aa subdivs, vray uses less material glossy samples per ray since it knows it will be shooting more eye rays.

    however what happens when the number of material subdivs is, very low, say, 5, and the aa subdivs are very high, say 50.. does it then do more subdivs on the material than you specified, to keep a minimum of one material glossy sample per eye ray, or..?

    im guessing this is how the "universal method" can produce very nice results even though your material subdivs are left at default..

    does mean my description of the material glossy subdivs as "the square root of the maximum number of samples vray will use to approximate the effect" is wrong.

    uff its hard to understand, and ive gotta teach it.. hehe.


    • #3
      a simpler way to say it might be, assuming use of dmc aa, your maximum material glossy subdivisions is either the local subdivs setting or the aa max rate, whichever is higher. sound correct?


      • #4
        Originally posted by super gnu View Post
        a simpler way to say it might be, assuming use of dmc aa, your maximum material glossy subdivisions is either the local subdivs setting or the aa max rate, whichever is higher. sound correct?
        Yes that's true, you understand it!

