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EXR compositing After Effects

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  • EXR compositing After Effects


    I'm working on an animation with 16/32 bit multichannel EXRs and am realizing how immensely slow it is to comp in After Effects. I put them into Nuke too to see if it was any better, but it was just as slow there.

    So what's the ideal compression mode to use on the EXRs for more responsive comping? Any tips would be of great help.

    Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) - Motion graphics artist

  • #2
    i just use zip compression, composite 2011 handles it pretty good


    • #3
      Two choices depending on how you save your files. If you use the standard max file save dialog, use zip s compression as it'll save the exrs as a series of lines drawn from top to bottom. If you're going out via the vray frame buffer, the exr files will automatically save as tiled exr files, similar to how vray renders the buckets which is the opposite of how nuke wants them. Here at the moment what I do is render my files to vrimg, and then use the vrimg2exr tool to convert to scanline exr files with a datawindow (this means that nuke can skip any parts of the image with nothing in it) and it's really quick. Try rendering some files to vrimg, and then use this script to pick one of the vrimg files in a folder and it'll run through and convert the lot for you. This is hard wired to use the max 2010 install of vrimg2exr so you might need to edit the line that says:

      format ("\"" + "C:\\Program Files\\Chaos Group\\V-Ray\\3dsmax 2010 for x64\\tools\\vrimg2exr.exe" + "\"" + " " + "\"" + theFileList[i] as string + "\"" + " -compression zips -datawindow -bufsize 100" + "\n") to:TheBatfile

      With the proper folder for your install.

      macroScript VRimgBat_0_05 category:"Johns bits (snigger)" tooltip:"VRimgBat_0_05: Make a bat file to convert vrimg to exr files"
      	local theFileList = #()
      	local TheVrimgPath
      	local TheVrimg2exrpath
      	Local OutFile
      	rollout ConvertVRimgBatFile "VRimgBat_0_04: Make a bat file to convert vrimg to exr files"
      		button ImageFileFolder "Rendered file folder" width:300 Align:#right
      		on ImageFileFolder pressed do
      			TheVrimgPath = getOpenFileName types:"Vrimg(*.vrimg)" caption:"Pick the folder with your renders"
      			ImageFileFolder.text = getFilenamePath TheVrimgPath
      			theFileList = (getFiles ((getFilenamePath TheVrimgPath) + "*.vrimg"))
      			print ("the files are " + theFileList as string)
      			print ("There are " + (theFileList.count as string) + " vrimg files in the folder")
      			if theFileList.count != 0 then
      				MyOutFile = "c:\\convert_vrimg_files.bat"
      				TheBatFile = CreateFile MyOutFile
      				for i in 1 to theFileList.count do
      					format ("\"" + "C:\\Program Files\\Chaos Group\\V-Ray\\3dsmax 2010 for x64\\tools\\vrimg2exr.exe" + "\"" + " " + "\"" + theFileList[i] as string + "\"" + " -compression zips -datawindow -bufsize 100" + "\n") to:TheBatfile
      					format ("\n") to:TheBatFile
      				Close TheBatFile
      				ShellLaunch (MyOutFile as string) ""
      				messagebox "Your bat file has been created at c:\convert_vrimg_files.bat - Happy now Vadim?"	
      			) else (
      					messagebox "There are no vrimg files in that folder"	
      	CreateDialog ConvertVRimgBatFile width:450


      • #4
        thank you both for your replies!

        joconnel: thank you for taking the time to help me, but i'm afraid i'm using Maya (this is the maya forum, so I'm not sure how much of what you say is relevant to Maya...? do you know if After Effects prefers scanlined zips too?
        Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) - Motion graphics artist


        • #5

          I'm not exactly sure which after uses but I'd imagine scanline is better. The data window options make a big difference too since the compositor can effectively ignore large sections of the image. Nuke definitely prefers this but I'm not sure how heavily optimised after effects is!

