Hi comparing Vray´s Irradiance map with Brazil who can only compute "Quasi montecarlo" which it can do very good, Vray using irradiance maps was about two to three times faster than Brazil.
The only thing i was missing were the very fine and detailed shadows at small details. Also using better settings in Vray didnt bring me such detailed smal shadows. it seemd as if Vray for its shadow computing wasnd able to see those smal details .
On the oather hand using Vray´s "direct computing" algorithms, i was able to get such smal details.
I think direkt computing ore quasi montecarlo calculates the diffuse light on a per pixel level. And of cours ther is a cost of Quality when i want to have faster images.
But is it possible to get the irradiance settings as good, that those very smal details dont get lost ? ore is this a general problem with irradiance maps.
The only thing i was missing were the very fine and detailed shadows at small details. Also using better settings in Vray didnt bring me such detailed smal shadows. it seemd as if Vray for its shadow computing wasnd able to see those smal details .
On the oather hand using Vray´s "direct computing" algorithms, i was able to get such smal details.
I think direkt computing ore quasi montecarlo calculates the diffuse light on a per pixel level. And of cours ther is a cost of Quality when i want to have faster images.
But is it possible to get the irradiance settings as good, that those very smal details dont get lost ? ore is this a general problem with irradiance maps.