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distributed rendering....animation?

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  • distributed rendering....animation?

    I'm creating an animation sequence. (targa files I'll composite later in another program) I know that DR works for single frames. Does this mean that I have to make use of VIZ's network rendering manager or is there a way of getting Vray's DR to do multiply frames. If I using Direct Computation when the frame is complete why don't my other machines go on to the next frame. All I get is black after the first frame is rendered

  • #2
    It will work for animations but it is not at all designed for that, and i think it would be a really bad thing to do. Use a standrd MAX/VIZ farm for that.


    • #3
      better to use the network rendering capibilities rather than DR. also note that with DR your liscence will take up to 10 computers. however with network rendering the liscence is unlimited

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        Normal netrender is faster than DR for animations anyway, so I wouldn't even bother trying to use it. DR is best suited for huge stills.
        Torgeir Holm |


        • #5
          hey rendimage, what's that image you have as your avatar. Where can i see a bigger version? (I made japanese style room as well, a few months ago)

          Thanks in advance


          • #6
            I've used viz network rendering and it seems to work fine. I'm planing on buying a lot more machines because I seem to be doing more animation work. Some animations takes up to a week on my dual xeon 2.4. Any advice? I was thinking about a a few of the dell 1750's in a rack mount system

            Those machines have a limited built in graphics card (8mb). And apparently no agp. Is that going to be a potential problem. If I'm just using them as raw processing power. In addition has anyone had any trouble installing vray in this kind of a farm situation. Do I need more licensed copies?


            • #7
              Redimage, We are using a similar setup here, we have 4 render farm boxes that have inbuilt video cards, and have had no problems with rendering.

              You shouldnt have a problem installing vray in this kind of situation, the only thing to look out for is installing the minimal version and no the complete version during installation.

              Any questions send me an email

              Chris Jackson
              Chris Jackson


              • #8
                so I should install the minimum? or the full advanced?

                I have a vray advance license right now.




                • #9
                  I think he was talking about the Max install, you definately want to install VRay advanced.
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10
                    I'm adding this question to my initial post.

                    I've got 3 machines working on an animation and I've been using multiframe incremental as GI solution rather than incremental add to map because I have cars and people walking around. Only problem is that when I compile the animation it flickers. Am I forced to use direct computation? Any advice.



                    • #11
                      Probably the best way is to render the moving objects on their own layer and only use the saved map for the still objects and the composite them together
                      Eric Boer

