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Has Anyone tried the training?

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  • Has Anyone tried the training?

    Just wondering if anyone has taken the training by Ciro Sannino, and if they would recommend it. I can't seem to find any reviews of it online (Besides on their own website).


  • #2
    Haven't taken that course but we bought Ciro's book for the studio:

    I would recommend his book. For myself, I didn't learn much from it that I didn't already know (technically speaking), but it was good to go through and see someone else's approach.
    I think the book would be very handy as a supplemental learning tool for junior artists coming into a VRay based studio.
    Toucan Creative
    Linkedin Profile


    • #3
      Hi Tooves,
      thank you for your words, I'm really happy this book helped you

      I would to clarify this point: Is this book for beginners or experts?
      I written this book based on the experience I did training a lot of poeple in live courses.
      What I can say is that very often expert users don't know the principles behind
      for this I worked on my live/online/book contents (all differents contents, same approach)
      creating connections between "Photography & Rendering" with V-Ray, as the book title says

      I'm happy to share with you a feedback I got from a composer that also worked in Framestore, Bluezoo (not just a newbie):
      << No wonder that it is among the top sellers book, I've read a lot of book, technical and advanced books and also for beginners.
      This is the only one that left me what I wanted from a book: a simple concept with which to work and arrive at a high quality product - Otto Brando >>

      I think all depends on what level you want to think.
      In my approach I NEVER say "click here+here+here..." - I try to push poeple to think, making their decisions starting from photography.

      From the feedback I'm getting it seems this book helps both: beginners and experts.
      For any question, I'll be glad to answer
      Ciro Sannino


      • #4
        Thanks for the information! I'm still trying to determine what would be right for me. I've been doing arch vis for 5 years and started in with VRay about a year and a half ago. I am a team of one, so I don't get the advantage of having others around me to share workflow tips, etc. That is why I am looking for additional training. I know the tools but would like to get more information as far as a solid, proven workflow. That is what attracted me to the idea of the 5SRW idea.

        Ciro, can you tell me a little more a out the online training? Is it a series of self paced videos with instructor availability for questions and feedback, or is it more of a structured course with certain time frames to watch the videos and due dates for assignments etc?

        And, is the online training (not the book) suitable for experienced professionals?



        • #5
          Yes, you got perfectly the idea of 5SRW... before I started online I tested it with many live students.

          About your questions I considered and tested different ways before the actual formula:
          - I tried to teach with live cam, It seems better but live lessons need much more time
          - I tried assignments but not all poeple can respect scheduling

          So I decided to create video lessons, 10-20' max per lesson, VERY dense of info.
          This kind of product requires much more time to be prepared than simply turn on the camera and talk, talk, talk....
          but I verified this is more valuable for poeple do not want to waste time with "useless words".
          (sometimes I watched hours and hours vray training full of words... but with few info and concept, I hate this)

          About support: I teach a method so I WANT you are able to apply it on your works,
          so with an internal ticket system contact me for questions, review ecc..

          Finally.. is it suitable for professionals? Of course I don't know what is for you "professional" (I learnt there are a lot of meanings)
          Anyway I just can say that in my course I have experienced poeple and beginners and both are happy.
          (of course the first lessons will be useless for you... maybe)

          Concluding... we apply 30 days money back.
          So, why do not try?


