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Material ID

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  • Material ID

    I'm not quite getting the logic of Material ID. What's the workflow for instance if I wanted the six sides of a cube in different passes. Is that multiple Material ID passes? And is there a way to do it so they aren't occluded? Or would that be Object ID's? Essentially what's the equivalent of pass contribution maps in mr?

  • #2
    VrayMaterialID render element - is just another quick way to generate a render masks for Materials which have assigned Material IDs.
    In the example with the cube you can use a single MaterilID render element in order to extract separate masks for each side. Each side should have applied a separate material, and each of those materials should have a different material ID.
    Depending on the Output Type of the MaterialID , Integer(no AA) or Color(with) - Vray will generate different resuts:

    If Integer is selected then each mask in the resulting MaterialID render element will correspond to the ID-number of the material - but you have to by sure that the output type format supports integer values as well as the compositing software.

    If Color-mode is selected - Vray use a different color value of each ID-number - for example:

    Material ID 1 : R=0.5 G=0.0 B=0.0

    Material ID 2 : R=0.0 G=0.5 B=0.0

    Material ID 2 : R=0.5 G=0.5 B=0.0 and etc , and you can select by color each of those masks in order to separate them and use only the one you need.

    In both cases the masks won't be occluded - they will contain just a plane color without any shading/occlusion.

    We are not familiar with the contribution map in mr - so could you please give us a few example what is the purpose of these maps ?
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

