So obviously linear workflow is a better method mathematically to calculate the light in your renders. And you get results that are truer to your original textures and such. However, the side effect is your images get washed out (if you feel the term "washed out" has a negative connotation, feel free to replace it with the term "Low Contrast"). Here's a simple example...

both materials are the same grey level (the linear one is the grey with gamma set to 2.2), lights are adjusted to give the same grey value in the final render, the only difference between the images is one is linear and one is not. Notice the bottom image has way less contrast than the top image. If I run the linear image through a levels adjustment in photoshop, I can get back something closer to my original non linear image.
Here's a textured example, same issue...

Sometimes you want utmost mathematical realism, and sometimes you don't, so I was just wondering how people are generally dealing with this? Are people accepting the lack of contrast as the new normal? Are people using post processes to add contrast back? Are people adjusting their lights to get the most contrast they can? Just interested in hearing other people's experiences on the subject, I certainly have a number of techniques to solve the issue, I'm just wondering what other people are doing.
- Neil
both materials are the same grey level (the linear one is the grey with gamma set to 2.2), lights are adjusted to give the same grey value in the final render, the only difference between the images is one is linear and one is not. Notice the bottom image has way less contrast than the top image. If I run the linear image through a levels adjustment in photoshop, I can get back something closer to my original non linear image.
Here's a textured example, same issue...
Sometimes you want utmost mathematical realism, and sometimes you don't, so I was just wondering how people are generally dealing with this? Are people accepting the lack of contrast as the new normal? Are people using post processes to add contrast back? Are people adjusting their lights to get the most contrast they can? Just interested in hearing other people's experiences on the subject, I certainly have a number of techniques to solve the issue, I'm just wondering what other people are doing.
- Neil