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  • help

    is the memory very importante to the render i have 1G ddr 400mht
    does 2G is going to make the render faster

  • #2
    2gigs helps if you have multiple apps open, and if you have large poly scenes w/ high res for the rendering process itself, that's mostly processor based.....
    memory is also very important for apps like photshop in order to manage and respond quickly w/ large res pics...

    in general you do want more memory...if you got the cash for it i'd say buy it....



    • #3
      tanks my friend


      • #4
        If you are looking for more memory for rendering then I would check the task manager before you buy the ram to make sure you need it. More ram is usually a good thing but if your not using most or all of it then put the money toward something else like a new CPU, hard drive, DVD-R.....

        Just a thought,


        Oh yea one more thing, do yourself a favor if you get new ram buy quality NAME BRAND ram. like Corsair, Micron or OCZ...
        ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


        • #5
          Everything the guys said is absoulotely correct, and I have the following piece of information, of my little experience,

          When running a program you get one of two cases,
          the first having enough memory, so the processor will work at full speed,
          and the second is not having enough memory, and then you're actually not getting the full power of your CPU,
          Actually in the case of having more than enough memory, you will have no more processing speed, but you can open more programs and files,
          When your system runs out of memory it will use virtual memory, and according to today's harddisks' speeds, it at the most cases will be much and much slower.
          As your scene is getting more object-expensive, you will need more memory.
          So having 1GB of RAM with a 1GHz processor rendering a full scene,
          will be much faster than using a dual 3GHz with only 64MB of RAM.
          Hope you got the point,
          and for more useful information go to

          for a very nice article.


