i'm in maya2015/vray3. with lighting and shading samples jacked... attempting to tune my DMC settings with GI off. i can't refine my lighting and reflection noise without dropping my threshold to 0.001. if i turn GI back on. noise is gone. is this a dithering/filtering method that's being filled in by GI? can i not refine a non GI render any further using shading and lighting samples without having to drop my threshold to unmanageable levels?
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noise increase with GI off?
Umh withouth going on for long long long.. just load up passes light, reflection, refraction, samples and then if u see noise in light, increase light samples. Then do reflections if u see noise in matte then increase shader samples, then sample pass, if you see red on flat surfaces with no textures then increase other samples bla bla bla. When you run LC+IRR then Gi is helping out ur render a little bit and AA changes bla bla bla... Its hard to refine :- ) Start from passes then gradually try to solve the noise issues.
yah... i've already followed the typical pipeline... to a point of diminishing returns. all samples are above 512. taking them to a 1000 makes no difference. the only resolution is lowering threshold. which defeats the purpose of tuning samples in the first place.
Is it possible to send us the scene for investigation? You can send it to support@chaosgroup.com or georgi.zhekov@chaosgroup.comGeorgi Zhekov
Phoenix Product Manager