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Vray instruction wanted

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  • Vray instruction wanted


    I am looking to get some A-z Instruction in Vray in the NYC area.
    If anyone knows of classes or private instruction that is offered, please let me know. Thanks!


  • #2
    Isn't there just some kind of manual for V-Ray? Well I have one for my beloved brazil r/s. It explains quite a bit. Um... So... If you were intrested in switching to brazil, just call me.

    P.S. There are lots of tutorials for V-Ray on the internet, I don't think that you need to take any classes since there are no special classes for V-Ray (as far as I know). Cheers.


    • #3
      LOL, nice pitch intense, I think he is here for a reason though, maybe he does not have time to wait for brazil to finish rendering. :P

      sanjay, maybe someone will be able to help you there in New York but until then there is the online manual and www, hasa lot of video tutorials to get started. As always the forum is here and there are many people that will be happy to answer your questions.
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        Thanks fellows ! Intense.. if I wanted manuals or tutorials I would have said so in my posting here : ). However I might want to take you up on the Brazil offer if you are in the area ( NYC ) and ( $ inexpensive )

        Thanks in any case



        • #5
          As I've written, there are no official classes for V-Ray. Realy the best way to learn is to do-it-yoursefl (tutorials). There are plenty of em online. You just need to find some time, and motivation.

          Brazil... well, I know it's not as fast as V-Ray. But speed is not all. Whatever, I know how to use it.

          sanjay - I don't charge for helping . Unfortunately I'm not even close to NYC. I'm from Poland. But feel free to pm/mail me. Cheers!


          • #6
            Dear Intense,
            I wrote very clearly that I am looking for private instruction in the NYC area. I really am not looking for your advice about what you think is a good or best way to learn vRay.



            • #7
              why would you want a vray class in the first place??

              you're much better off if you just sit down and learn it from tutes and resources off of this forum.....that would get you up to speed MUCH faster then any class or "private" a LOT of the learning of vray is about experimenting...something that you have to do yourself...just like all of us on this forum..



              • #8
                for the last time!!!

                Paul.. In case you didnt notice I really do not appreciate advice when I am clearly saying I dont want advice. Do you know of a class? if not.. that's fine. Please dont give me advice about what is a good way to learn.


                • #9
                  Man, you're weird. Well, never mind. It;s your business. Wish you a nice huntin'.


                  • #10
                    Vray instruction wanted in the NYC area !

                    I'm not wierd.. I just dont have time. I kept saying I want a class and you keep saying do tutorials. I am trying to learn more than I can as quickly as I can. Trial and error and manuals and tutorials are fine when you have the time. I dont have time I am trying to learn what would normally take 3-4 years in one. I did not mean to be harsh , I understand you were trying to help. Thanks and peace



                    • #11
                      What the? What your saying is like going to a driving instructor and saying I want a book not hands on lessons. The best way to learn vray is go get the www, videos and experiment. Its pretty much the only way to really get to grips with it.


                      • #12
                        okay okay

                        Thanks though


                        • #13
                          Come travel to the UK and i'll teach you for a price


                          • #14
                            o my mistake its been a while since i downloaded the videos. i did not notice you were Sanjay Kothari i have been an admirer of your work for some time now.


                            • #15

                              Thank you

