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URGENT / old vs new 2.0 !

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  • URGENT / old vs new 2.0 !


    I need to render a scene with the help of a render farm service which use Vray 3.40.
    I know there have been a lot of improvements between Vray 2.5 & Vray 3.xx especially with the sampling and all the new approach....
    The fact is I use Vray 2.5 !
    I expect the holidays to make all the updates (3dsmax/Vray).

    My scene is :
    -Reinhard / Gamma 2,2

    I can't update before the end of those last renders so my question is very simple :

    - Is it ok for all my renders (arch viz stills) between the 2 release ?
    - Is there some precautions to take before ??

    Thanks for all advices !
    (Sorry for my bad english)

  • #2
    In general we do not recommend rendering projects created with 2.x on 3.x since there may be some unwanted surprises.
    A lot of things have changed between version 2.x and 3.x, those chances may affect the final result in unwanted way.

    It would be much better if you complete the project with 2.x and then to update to 3.x and continue all the new projects with the new version.
    If update is needed immediately you will have to at least adapt your scene to the new settings. What settings must be changed depends from the scene, some scenes renders very similar between the old and the new version without any changes in the settings but other ones have noticeable difference in the noise levels and etc, those scenes will need some tweaking.
    Last edited by Svetlozar Draganov; 07-07-2016, 11:43 PM.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      ok, too bad !
      thanks for advice, unfortunately, it will be difficult to complete the project only with 2.x.
      If I have to adapt my scene to the new settings, what settings could be important to change ?
      How could I know what I have to be careful ?

      To complete :
      I use Sub-pixel mapping / Clamp output
      Reinhard + a low Burn value (0.05)
      My DMC sampler settings are quite by default.
      I use DE in IR....
      Last edited by rikou; 08-07-2016, 02:42 AM. Reason: aditionnal inofrmation
      (Sorry for my bad english)


      • #4
        It is very difficult to say what exactly you need to change since a lot have changed. Generally when open old scene on 3.4 version you will get a pop-up windows asking you whether you want to switch to the new Variance-based adaptive sampler and the new global defaults options. You can choose to stay with the old behavior. Also you can check this page for more information on migrating from old scenes:

        Please keep in mind that there is a big chance that you might not be able to replicate the output on 100 percent as it was rendered on 2.x . Moreover if you get very drastic changes you can send us the scene and we will have a look.
        Zdravko Keremidchiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Thanks ! In fact, there were no difference, all my renders were ok.
          Just after this job, I moved to 3.4 so no more problems now !
          (Sorry for my bad english)

