Increasingly, I am becoming aware of how much RAM our scenes are using, and trying to improve my knowledge on what to keep an eye on: geometry, lights, reflections, GI etc. With knowledge comes power!
I have a 'test' scene of a large office lobby. At the moment, it has around 1.7 million polygons. There are around a dozen simple ies spot lights, one vray sun and the vray sky.
When I render, the scene seems to use around 14GB memory - at least that is what the render dialog box tells me.
Firstly, is the render dialog box the place to observe the memory being used, or is there somewhere more accurate? I am not sure if each time I render, this value is being rest, or if it builds up during my current session of Max.
My render has 7 render elements, and I am rendering at 4000x4000.
These are the things I have tried to reduce the RAM:-
1) Disabling elements drops the ram by a couple of hundred MB, but nothing more.
2) Rendering to a vrimg (and just viewing the preview) makes very little difference
3) Switching off bitmaps globally makes no difference
4) Swithing off reflections globally makes no difference
5) Changing from LC/IRmap to LC/BF makes no difference
6) Turning off GI entirely makes no difference
7) Turning all lights off makes no difference
Dynamic memory limit set to either 4000 (the default) or 0MB makes no difference
I guess I've run out of things to try. Either the reported RAM usage in the render dialogue box is not the correct place to look, or there is some other consideration to make to reduce ram usage.
Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated to further my understanding of this.
I have a 'test' scene of a large office lobby. At the moment, it has around 1.7 million polygons. There are around a dozen simple ies spot lights, one vray sun and the vray sky.
When I render, the scene seems to use around 14GB memory - at least that is what the render dialog box tells me.
Firstly, is the render dialog box the place to observe the memory being used, or is there somewhere more accurate? I am not sure if each time I render, this value is being rest, or if it builds up during my current session of Max.
My render has 7 render elements, and I am rendering at 4000x4000.
These are the things I have tried to reduce the RAM:-
1) Disabling elements drops the ram by a couple of hundred MB, but nothing more.
2) Rendering to a vrimg (and just viewing the preview) makes very little difference
3) Switching off bitmaps globally makes no difference
4) Swithing off reflections globally makes no difference
5) Changing from LC/IRmap to LC/BF makes no difference
6) Turning off GI entirely makes no difference
7) Turning all lights off makes no difference

I guess I've run out of things to try. Either the reported RAM usage in the render dialogue box is not the correct place to look, or there is some other consideration to make to reduce ram usage.
Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated to further my understanding of this.