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Memory Usage

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  • Memory Usage


    Just a quick question on how I can get MAX to use more memory. I have 1 gig of ram but it's only using around 630mb when I'm rendering. I'd really like to MAXimise the potential of the pc. I've also got hyper-threading turned on with a dual 2.66 xeon machine.

    Right now, in Physical Memory:
    Total 1047552
    Available 415756
    System Cache 372160

    Kernel Memory:

    Total 62044
    Paged 29776
    NonPaged 32320

    Those are roughly the figues (as while it's rendering they're changing all the time).

    Any help would be great!


  • #2
    you cant FORCE max to use more memory then it needs. As it needs memory it grabs it.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      For some reason, my system is running at 50% processor power (according to windows task manager), so I was thinking that if I could increase the memory usage, it might be where the bottle neck is for the processors?


      • #4
        You can FORCE vray to use more memory by adjusting the settings in the raycaster - specificaly increasing the Max tree depth and lowering the face/level coef. This can make a pretty big difference in speed but don't go too far as it can slow it down.

        If it is rendering at 50% cpu then it is not a memory issue though, Is it a dual machine? If it is it sounds like multithreading is turned off. If it is a single cpu then it is something wrong with your scene, I know certain procedural maps have caused similar results in the past but I thought they were fixed, what version are you using?
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          Thanks RErender. I'm running a dual machine with multithreading turn on. I'm using Max 6, with VRAY version Adv. 1.09.03r. Unfortunatly, I've had no luck so far in fixing the problem...

          Thanks for the help,


