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Translucent and SSS

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  • Translucent and SSS

    Hi all,i am new to this forum.
    I am having a little trouble with vray.mostly with something proberly very simple,but i cant figure it out.

    Its like this,when i try to make anything translucent,it renders as a filled colour.
    No translucanse at all,its strange,i looked into the help file and it has a little example thing showing a half sphere with a pillar in the middle.
    So i set up a scene the same as it was in those images.
    I made the sphere refractive with IOR 1,so it became transparant,i set up a light with vray shadow and turned on the GI.

    When i render it like this it renders as a standard transparant half sphere.
    Now when i switch on translucent,without changing any settings,it renders as if it was a standard shader with no transparance or anything,just a solid sphere.
    And it doesn't matter at all what settings i change,it keeps rendering as a solid shader.
    its becoming a bit frustrating,i would really like to know what i am doing wrong,coz i would like to make some cool looking leaves.
    thanks in advance.

  • #2
    When you say like a normal material, can you post an image? Usually if translucency is not working it will render black. Make sure none of the rgb values of the fog are 255, this can cause problems. Maybe post your material settings.
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      i am sorry,i had hoped this was a common problem since i have had this on 2 installations of windows,thats why i didn't post any pics.
      I will post a a render and a couple of screen grabs as soon as i get my computer back up and running.

