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?rendersettings for better rendertimes?

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  • ?rendersettings for better rendertimes?

    yesterday I started my first rendering with netrender on 3 computers.
    (AMD 3,5ghz, AMD 2,8ghz, AMD 900mhz).

    With that hardware I got the result after 7h15min only for rendering in 2400x1800pix. The irradiance map I prerenderd on my fastest AMD 3,5ghz in the resolution 1200x900 to save more time.

    These are my settings and result.

    Some details:
    general using vray materials, glass, translucent glass with integrated iluminated material (look at lightwall), water (black face on picture's right side what's wrong here?)

    Can you please check this and tell me if I have done something wrong or is it ok? What could I make better to do the job more efficient?

    Thanks a lot

  • #2
    The settings look alright, but your image is too bright. I think you should either lower the value of your environment (depending on the hdri you use) or your dark multiplier.


    • #3
      Ok thanks for your answer. Now I know that I'm on the right way.


      • #4
        No problem.
        Just so you know, I usually use the adaptative subdivision antialiasing (set to 0 min to 2/3 max) which tends to be faster, and I usually set my GI for exterior shots from -3 to -1 or even -2. you probably don't need that much sampling for your scene and it'll save a lot of time to get rid of that last pass.
        You should also increase the subdivision of your secondary bounce in a range between 6 and 10, and maybe set its intensity to 0.75 instead of 0.5. It may help you to decrase the dark multiplier of your color mapping which doesn't need to be so high since it makes the whole image paler.
        Good luck. I hope you will also get help from more knowledgeable people on the forum.
        Post your advancement so that we can see where its going.


        • #5
          make sure your black water material has affect shadows checked. show screenshot of material settings, might be some fog issues.

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #6
            Ok, here are my actual settings.

            I'll start a new try. I informed my about AA. I'll take now fixed with 2 subd. and adaptive min/max 0/2.

            Concerning the water: Is there also a possibility to get reflections for the water without using the environment refl/refr?

            Ok thank you for your good advice.


