Last I found a nice way to hide objects too. It's useful if sets of objects need to be hidden temporary. Clipping planes can be used in "include" mode where from a list object names can be chosen of objects which should be invisible. So, different sets of objects can be set invisible by switching clipping planes on/off.
For example in the past I need to render small air plane lavatory designs and some shots was needed from inside and some from outside through an invisible wall (and stuff on the wall like mirrors). Per material invisible option "only in secondary" it's some work to switch the invisible state, per clipping plane setup it's quick switched.
For example in the past I need to render small air plane lavatory designs and some shots was needed from inside and some from outside through an invisible wall (and stuff on the wall like mirrors). Per material invisible option "only in secondary" it's some work to switch the invisible state, per clipping plane setup it's quick switched.