I'm struggling to achive some effect on material map.
I don't know if it is possible to do with Vraymulitsubtex and VrayUVWradnomizer, I've tried many approches but with no result.
Bsically I want a mosaic of random bitmaps in a checker map.
Inside blacks - one set of bitmaps, randomized.
Inside whites - other ser of bitmaps, randomized (but rotated by 90 degrees).
Maybe somebody could give my some clues or adivce.... mayby some idea how can this can be done even without vray maps?
I'm struggling to achive some effect on material map.
I don't know if it is possible to do with Vraymulitsubtex and VrayUVWradnomizer, I've tried many approches but with no result.
Bsically I want a mosaic of random bitmaps in a checker map.
Inside blacks - one set of bitmaps, randomized.
Inside whites - other ser of bitmaps, randomized (but rotated by 90 degrees).
Maybe somebody could give my some clues or adivce.... mayby some idea how can this can be done even without vray maps?