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vray 5 for sketchup 2020, AO bump specular normal roughness metalness glossiness, what color space should each be in?

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  • vray 5 for sketchup 2020, AO bump specular normal roughness metalness glossiness, what color space should each be in?


    I am a newbie user of Vray 5, I'm currently using it as an render extension for Sketcuhp 2020 and I'm just confused by what color space I needed each map to be in. I've done lots of research and different sources from different times tells me very contrasting things; like how a map needs to be in srgb space and then another source says otherwise (linear). I would just appreciate some clarity on this in the year 2022, which I hope would be more relevenat information. Older posts talks about things like gamma correciton, and chaos support has informed me that gamma correction is no longer a thing in modern rendering workflows. Pls help.

  • #2
    still asking this question in february 2023. pls help


    • #3
      This information is available all over the internet and in the Vray documentation and Substance Painter.Give it another try, there's no point in giving a short explanation here when articles and videos describe in depth.
      Last edited by damaggio; 06-02-2023, 02:52 PM.


      • #4
        In short: textures that contain data maps: reflection, glossiness, bump, displace, normal, alpha,and by data I mean where only 0 to 1 information is necessary so no RGB values, the color space transfer function should be set to None or Inverse Gamma to 1.0. And for instance diffuse, you set it to sRGB or Inverse Gamma to 0.45.



        • #5
          damaggio already said various different sources give contrasting answers, some set it whereas some dont bother with the setting at all. That's why I came here. Wouldn't be very helpful if the place that offers answers tells me to take another hike and find the answers elsewhere would it?


          • #6
            Vizioen thanks

