Hi there,
I am in the process of setting up a new render farm for the studio and have a few questions regarding vray standalone.
As a studio we use both 3ds Max and Maya with vray cpu (mainly).
In my mind, a vray standalone setup would be the easiest to setup and maintain but the draw backs seem to be around some of the limitations to do with what is exported (or not) from 3ds Max when creating the vrscene files. I am wondering what the best workflow is for ensuring that 3ds Max scenes are setup with plugins / nodes that are supported with vray standalone? Currently we have the Analyze tool on the exporter in Max to list what is showing up but I think there is more to it. I remember something to do with animated key frames not being 1:1 too?
Like I say, my ideal is that we use vray standalone for rendering on the farm but I would like to ensure we are not getting surprises / differences in what the guys see in Max and what the farm spits out.
Interested to hear any thoughts and suggestions.
Thank you!
I am in the process of setting up a new render farm for the studio and have a few questions regarding vray standalone.
As a studio we use both 3ds Max and Maya with vray cpu (mainly).
In my mind, a vray standalone setup would be the easiest to setup and maintain but the draw backs seem to be around some of the limitations to do with what is exported (or not) from 3ds Max when creating the vrscene files. I am wondering what the best workflow is for ensuring that 3ds Max scenes are setup with plugins / nodes that are supported with vray standalone? Currently we have the Analyze tool on the exporter in Max to list what is showing up but I think there is more to it. I remember something to do with animated key frames not being 1:1 too?
Like I say, my ideal is that we use vray standalone for rendering on the farm but I would like to ensure we are not getting surprises / differences in what the guys see in Max and what the farm spits out.
Interested to hear any thoughts and suggestions.
Thank you!