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Vray Light not showing in layers

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  • Vray Light not showing in layers

    Good morning.
    When i create a light it does not show in the layers?
    Why not?

    when i group a light with the object I have built to set the light in, and use Forest pro to scatter it on a line, I can not adjust the light if I group it with the object, and then scatter and un group the parent light , all the scattered lights disappear.
    How do I get around this issue?
    Thank you

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi, your thread is not for this section. Here we discuss only V-Ray for 3ds Max related topics. I will move your thread to the Chaos Common section

    The Light does not appear in the scene explorer because you have disabled it from the filters:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1cZTxfU914zRR_on-JgMX9-ayLzmDGbWh&authuser=0.png
Views:	153
Size:	131.7 KB
ID:	1212726

    when i group a light with the object I have built to set the light in, and use Forest pro to scatter it on a line
    You can open the group and move the light but you can not ungroup. Probably Itoo could give you more details about this behaviour of Forest Pack.

    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thank you . In groups when using lights you have to open the group with e drop down command OPEN RECURSIVELY.....make the change then close.

      There is still so much of Max and Vray I do not know, after 15 years........ is there a good certified course you would do yourself that you would recommend?
      Thank you again
      Last edited by philip kelly; 26-07-2024, 02:37 AM.

