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Animation Path constraint how to make camera stop and look around

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  • Animation Path constraint how to make camera stop and look around

    Hi, I need some advice about animation in interior spaces. I am struggling to understand how to make a camera constaint to a path stop douring an animation and look around then start again to move on the path (3ds max vray).
    Thank you very much!

  • #2
    You can try with a dummy and a link constraint.
    Create a link constraint (menu Animation) between your camera and the dummy.
    Apply a path constraint on your dummy.
    At the beginning, your camera follows the dummy and so follows the path.
    When you want, you can unlik your camera to the dummy, move your camera as you want, and after, add a new link to another dummy.


    • #3
      You can simplify this setup a little also, by just animating the world and dummy link state, thus keeping the same dummy.

      This would mean you have fewer keys to adjust to maintain speed also, as you only need move the last key for the dummy's path % by the same
      amount of frames as your pause length

