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Average grey range (linear space)

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  • Average grey range (linear space)

    Hey what does everyone else do in the case of using an "average" grey
    to develop lighting levels and why? (Material override of the scene bit)

    Previously I more or less averaged (relative/mid grey range) depending on what color mapping I was abusing. Under exponential and HSV the
    ramp was an issue, with the linear I can see the deeper/wider ranges and
    want to make sure I am addressing the light levels correctly (in terms
    of 1/1 lighting and color as far as it goes) Ha, now Im doing linear flow
    I cant look at my old stuff, my eyes already re-adjusted.

    What is working best for everyone under linear?

    Just wondering who is doing what, how and why.

    "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."

  • #2
    I just use 128, 128, 128 rgb on everything to get intial light setup and then add in the textures etc.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    "DR or Die!"


    • #3
      I usually move between 128-180 depending on the average brightness
      of materials. I also use the b/w channel in the MVFB to make sure I am
      not being too influenced by color, only shades.
      "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."

