Just thought I would relay a nugget of info to anyone using purchased models from Turbo Squid or Evermotion etc... and rendering over a network.
When you get the models for the first time open them up and then go to File, Asset Tracker. For each texture path, right click and select Set Path. Then navigate to the location of this map on your server - you should end up with the path like this \\drivename etc...
If I had done this before I had started to include third party models into my scene - I would have saved possibly 3 to 4 weeks of rendering out flickering textures in an animation that some of the render nodes could not find.
Just thought I would relay a nugget of info to anyone using purchased models from Turbo Squid or Evermotion etc... and rendering over a network.
When you get the models for the first time open them up and then go to File, Asset Tracker. For each texture path, right click and select Set Path. Then navigate to the location of this map on your server - you should end up with the path like this \\drivename etc...
If I had done this before I had started to include third party models into my scene - I would have saved possibly 3 to 4 weeks of rendering out flickering textures in an animation that some of the render nodes could not find.