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new vray tutorial

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  • new vray tutorial

    didn't see this posted anywhere here yet. It's from the guy who wrote the book on architectural rendering - literally.

  • #2
    Thank you. ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3

      Great I can't get enough of Vray tutorials these days - just a quick note is there a link to the scene that I can download ?

      Thanks for sharing


      • #4
        great pdf. Very helpful for anyone.

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          If you go to the main site, there is a download link to the files

          scroll down to the bottom of the page


          • #6
            Great Tutorial

            Thanks gunny - this is a truely spectacular tutorial, it just wasn't sinking in before but now that old fog is lifting and I think I'm finally starting to get it I simply can't wait for Part II, please give a heads up if you come across it and thanks again


            • #7
              Yeah, this is a really clear and concise explanation - it would be great if Chaos engaged these guys to write a short Vray manual for us.... .... lets hope.


              • #8
                Pretty cool tut


                • #9
                  I dont know if its just me, but it pains me to read stuff like this - something I spent 9 months teaching myself the hard way can now be learnt in a day by someone whos never used it before.

                  Guess i'm just bitter that I didnt have this, Its an excellent guide for someone new to vray, haha. (I am only joking, everything I learnt is from these forums and its good to see resources this good being put across through here, I only wish I had the time to make some myself)


                  • #10
                    yes very clear explications ! Need to be added in the help file!!

                    I dont know if its just me, but it pains me to read stuff like this - something I spent 9 months teaching myself the hard way can now be learnt in a day by someone whos never used it before. Laughing
                    I agree!!


                    • #11
                      That said though, I've worked with a lot of people over the years who have been trained in by people that were always told the best way to do something straight away and after a while they became totally reliant - they didn't know how to solve their own problems, where to look or how to learn. You get the same on cgtalk all the time with the same people asking really simple stuff and they're just going to put themselves in the same situation.

                      You might have spent 9 months learning it but at least you've got a far deeper understanding of it through trial and error as opposed to just doing something because you've read it in a pdf.


                      • #12
                        ive been more into just using it than learning it. but in using it ive learnt about it but i havent learnt everything. even though ive been using it since it 1st was released in alpha stage some hmmm 5 years i think it was ago...there are still quite a few people who know alot more of the theory than me for sure.

                        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                        stupid questions the forum can answer.


                        • #13
                          rhumm rhumm !!!


                          • #14
                            I think part 2 is only available if you sign up for a course - cant blame them though, its a lot of work to write that
                            the best tip in there I found is to only use 2-3 steps in the QMC sampler so min 4 max 6 instead of min 1 max 6

                            >> ok after extensive testing, that qmc setting does not make sense - its faster to do min 1 max 6 and the quality does not suffer which is what the document suggests


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by glyph
                              I think part 2 is only available if you sign up for a course - cant blame them though, its a lot of work to write that
                              the best tip in there I found is to only use 2-3 steps in the QMC sampler so min 4 max 6 instead of min 1 max 6

                              >> ok after extensive testing, that qmc setting does not make sense - its faster to do min 1 max 6 and the quality does not suffer which is what the document suggests

                              I totally agree about with that as well. I was using Min 1 max 10 with the to get my glossies nice and smooth, and to give the QMC sampler enough room to sample adaptively for good results.
                              After reading the PDF I tried Min 4 Max 6 settings and it increased my rendertimes with no visible difference in quality

