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controlling contrast with vray camera

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  • controlling contrast with vray camera

    Hi All,

    iv just started playing with vrays sky/sun/camera settings, I have it looking okayish, but everythings looking a little bland and gray.

    Now with the new vray camera is it posible to control the contrast of the overall GI, I find that the shadows are laking alot of contrast, and if I could give them a bit more punch ill be happy


  • #2
    Hello sailor!

    Are you using LWF? I've found in my fiddlings that a lot of my shadows appear washed out with the 2.2/0.454 gamma settings & the vray physical camera/sun so I've just arsed around with the colour correction/gamma values until it looks bolder.

    Aside from that what exposure settings do you have on the camera?
    MDI Digital


    • #3
      Hi AJ!!!!

      yep. using 2.2 (god help us!)

      Basicly, everything is at default, that inc sky and sun, I am unsing "Linear Multi" with gamma set to 2.2 and colour correct for all mats (again, set to 2.2)

      Now with these setting everything though the vray camera looks totaly blown out, so iv taken the ISO from the default of 200 down to around 30-60 mark, iv changed nothing else on the camera. These setting more or less acheve a nice balance of light and shadow, but the shadows are more or less totaly equal in tone, not very dynamic.

      The idea ofcouse is to keep everything "correct" and just adjust the camera setting to get a nice effect...ofcourse thats the plan, not sure its achievable

      might have to dig though some camera settings books


      • #4
        I tend to have my ISO setting around 300/400 & then play with the f-number until everything looks balanced.

        Pour example, for a standard outdoor scene I tend to have my settings as follows:

        ISO : 300
        f-stop: 16
        Colour mapping : Reinhard (with a gamma of 2.0)

        Don't know if any of that helps.

        Post examples!
        MDI Digital


        • #5
          Maybe you have already do so, but if you haven't check the video tutorial (big thread in this section) about sun+sky and physcam.
          A deduction from the shown methods is that darkening materials raises contrast, while brightening them lowers it.

          That's the only practicable way to do that "in camera" i know (aside from color-mapping, of course).



          • #6
            one trick I have been using is to lower the secondary bounces multiplier to around .6 and that tends to gives materials a little more punch without sacrifising too much GI bounced light.
            Also there is potatoshop (or your favourite post app) to boost up contrast
            Chris Jackson


            • #7
              pff LWF needs documentation if you ask me... dear vray developers hehe

              i also use reinhard , then tyring to get the camera to balance out the light. but it is hard.
              Normaly i only adjust the f-number and ISO values.

              but also i have washed out colors. we are in the middle of an animation and i think i'm gonna drop lwf for now. ... boehoee
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