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UV unwrapping

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  • UV unwrapping

    Hi all, I know UV unwrapping doesn't exist in Rhino or Vray and who knows when the developers will implement it??? Until then, do any users have a work round, I'm thinking of using Blender but I'd like to know if there are other easier options?

    Happy Holidaze!!

  • #2
    Re: UV unwrapping

    I use Unfold3D:

    But best it works with meshes generated per MoI3D. A big problem of Rhino meshes is, that edges are not welded (without smoothing). MoI do it and the meshes are smaller. At the meoment Unfold3D allow to free set cut/uncuts at welded edges only. If edges are unwelded, than the UV will be splitted allways. The good news is, that the developer is working on a free cut/uncut for unwelded edges too.

    I like Unfold3D. It's a nice tool and helps me a lot to get perfect mappings. - visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Re: UV unwrapping

      Hey Micha,

      Can you use Unfold3D with sketchup models? After unfolding, what software would you use to do the textures and bring the models back to Sketchup?


      Personal projects (Fantasy and Sci-Fi):


      • #4
        Re: UV unwrapping

        I don't used SketchUp, so I don't know the workflow. Unfold3D modify the UV of the mesh and the output mesh with new UV should be read by any 3D software. The problem could be, that the current Unfold3D can't free set cut/uncuts at unwelded edges. This could come with next version. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Re: UV unwrapping

          For Sketchup:
          Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


          • #6
            Re: UV unwrapping

            Thanks for the help it's been invaluable. I will follow up the links and evaluate the products.
            Micha have you stopped using Rhino to model and using MOI instead?
            I'm not sure what you mean by cut/uncut and welded edges, can you explain this further or point to a resource?



            • #7
              Re: UV unwrapping

              No, I use Rhino for modeling. I use MoI to get much better meshes than rhino can do.

              Unfold3D/Rhino unweld issue example - you like to unfold a cube. If you export the mesh from rhino to Unfold3D, than all edges show cuts, because Rhino export this edges as unwelded. In MoI you can set "weld edges" so that the cube mesh from MoI dosn't show cuts at Unfold3D and you can free set your own.

              Here the perfect result per MoI mesh. I set my cuts and pressed unfold. Per Rhino the mesh from the NURBS object would be cutted at all edges and I would get six single sided only. This is a current limit of Unfold3D. You could ask at the Unfold3D forum for the feature of free cut/uncutting.
     - visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Re: UV unwrapping

                Hi Micha, thanks for your explanation, I'm playing about with MOI at the moment.


                • #9
                  Re: UV unwrapping

                  v2 will be released soon ... the mesher will use all cores of a CPU, is super fast and very high quality
         - visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10
                    Re: UV unwrapping

                    Hi all, I've been on a healthy learning curve with UV unwrapping and texturing.
                    The software which stands out for me is
                    It has lost of purchase options and the video tutorial are very good.
                    Does any body use this or had experience with it?



                    • #11
                      Re: UV unwrapping

                      After playing about with a few, I've come to the conclusion that Blender, once you climb the short learning curve, works very well for UV unwrapping. The great thing about Blender is that it's free and there are more than enough video tutorials to help.
                      I hope to have some nice pics to share soon.



                      • #12
                        Re: UV unwrapping

                        Originally posted by virtualv
                        After playing about with a few, I've come to the conclusion that Blender, once you climb the short learning curve, works very well for UV unwrapping. The great thing about Blender is that it's free and there are more than enough video tutorials to help.
                        I hope to have some nice pics to share soon.

                        Hi VirtualV,

                        I have been considering learning Blender as well, for three reasons. UV unwrapping, very organic modelling, and higher end animations that I can't get with Rhino now. My question to you is, coming from a Rhino background yourself, how difficult has it been for you to begin learning Blender?

                        And, have you done any modelling and animation with it yet? If so, your thoughts?

                        I have Tsplines, and while it does make organic modelling WAY faster in Rhino, the Tsplines surfaces don't texture as one surface, so for rendering it's not any easier to texture than a Rhino model is.

                        My thoughts/hope is to use Rhino and Vray for my main work, which needs to be exact and produceable, and to use Blender for fun stuff that will never be produced (characters, etc.) But I'm hesitant to dive into a completely new platform if it is sooooo incredibly different that it will takes loads and loads of time to get anywhere with. Anyway . . . just thinking out loud here.

                        I know the learning curve will be different for everyone, but I was just curious as to your thoughts thus far on Blender.



                        • #13
                          Re: UV unwrapping

                          Hi Hoop thanks for your questions; in my experience and as everyone knows nothing stands still in technology, the more I learn the more I want to do. My imagination gets the better of me and I find the tools available restrict realizing it. My solution is to be very patient, flexible and open minded to new systems and processes that facilitate my imagination.

                          Learning in the real world or the virtual world the approach is the same; try everything and see what works with your skills, knowledge and sensibilities. I suggest having a clear goal of what you want and stick to it. It is easy to get over whelmed with the software which promises to do everything. I’ve found I use a number of different software to get what I want; each one has a different interface and learning curve. The important thing for me is transferring files between the systems. The software forums and tutorials give you a good independent view. Because Blender is free there are a lot of video tutorials which is my preferred way to learn.
                          I have learned to relax and not get frustrated with software, this is difficult for me because I rely on instinct, I find most of the established software designed by engineers for engineers (including Vray). Fortunately it won’t be long were a new wave of software will come along which is more intuitive and fun, giving more people access to create. I hope something in between Maxwell and Bunkspeed would be great.

                          I have only used Blender to unwrap meshes for mapping, this has taught me the importance of having a good mesh and so when I create a model in Rhino I do it with the foresight of unwrapping in mind, before it just had to be water tight for prototyping. I too have Tsplines but I find Blender better because of the modifiers available, I can create a model in Rhino and export it as a .obj or lwo file. This allows me to use the Blender modifiers, I find the mesh editing tools better than Tsplines, I then export the file as .obj back into Rhino for rendering in Vray. I’m sure I will start to look at animation next in Blender but because I have spent time learning UV unwrapping I’m more familiar with the interface and the learning curve won’t as steep.

                          I got into Blender because Rhino are missing a trick with UV unwrapping maybe this will change depends what direction the developers want to go in, but don’t let them stifle your creativity. The next thing for me 3D sculpting, I haven’t got a clue yet which one to go for; what is available is limited so this will make it easier. Time and how apply myself will tell which one I go for. I think that will be the next time I have an A HA!! moment.

                          Hope this helps




                          • #14
                            Re: UV unwrapping

                            Hi VirtualV,

                            Thanks very much for your answers. There are so many tools out there, I always like to hear others experiences. And, no, I don't let any program stifle my creativity, I've often turned to other softwares to get what I want (I'm stubborn ).

                            You mentioned in your post:

                            I hope something in between Maxwell and Bunkspeed would be great.
                            Have you checked out

                            This is exactly what you mention. (check out the video) Take this info with the knowledge in mind however that GPU rendering has some time to go before it matures, there are definitly some obstacles to overcome, especially when it comes to large scenes and memory, but I think in the near future this will be solved as more and more softwares take advantage of GPU's.

                            The next thing for me 3D sculpting, I haven’t got a clue yet which one to go for; what is available is limited so this will make it easier.
                            Have you checked out Modo? It's definitly not Zbrush, but it's crazy cool and has great sculpting tools. VERY capable program.

                            Thanks again for your thoughts.



                            • #15
                              Re: UV unwrapping

                              Yeah I've been looking at Modo and I've been impressed, I'll wait and see when life will faciitate, learning and buying it

                              Here is an image of what I've been able to do with UV unwrapping. It's a full colour 3D print from
                              It is a watertight model with one map.

                              you can order it from here

