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Water for pool ...HOW TO ? Need help

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  • Water for pool ...HOW TO ? Need help

    helo all

    anyone could give me settings to make some nice water for a pool like this one below :

    coz even when i played with the fog color, i only get a very dark blue texture
    thx for those who can help me ! i really need it....

    make me some nice blueish pool transparent reflective water !!!

    Thx people

    PS: i already search on the forum but i didn't find anything that is satisfying me, i tried the Vlado settings for water but i can get it to be with a nice blueish color like the picture above !!!

    HEEELLLPPP !! make some material if you feel it

  • #2
    Hi sykes,

    See the attached file. you only need to add caustics to make it complete.
    make sure your water is bigger than your pool if you don't you get intersecting faces wich causes wrong reflections.

    good luck,

    A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


    • #3
      wooowww ! impressive render !! thx a lot ERIK ! gonna try it and will post my render thx thx


      • #4
        this is very impressive render
        I am very very new in v-ray.
        I try to do a similar scene and get test renders.. though I use the same material you have posted, I can never get similar renders...
        would you mind telling your environment settings and render settings?
        thanks in advance


        • #5
          My environment settings are nothing fancy, you just need al lot of stuff for the water to reflect and a nice environment image (preferably set to spherical).

          A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


          • #6
            How is your geometry set up?

            Erik, are you mapping this material to a simple plane object? Does it have a ripple or noise modifier applied to it? How many segments does it need? I have played around with all of these settings and have gotten some cool results, though nothing as striking as your swimming pool. Are the parameters in the material itself that will make it look more rippled?




            • #7
              beiing impressed very much by your watermaterial, i tried some renderings...

              had some nice results used shadows, suddenly the water got really black. so my question, what kind of shadows did you use?

              easiest way to avoid the problem is to exclude the box which is used as the water from shadow-casting, but i do not like this solution?

              looking forward to your answer and thank you very much for your material



              • #8

                for this image i faked my caustics and bottom of the pool. just used a mixture of water map and noise map for the ripples and like everyone said. the key is to have something to reflect or even refract. the caustics on the bottom of the pool are just textures

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #9

                  I never realized that a simple scene like this could raise so many questions. I am posting my scene here, i stripped it of everything that has a copyright and replaced the background image, the camera position and the light direction and setup remain the same as the above picture.

                  If you hit render your scene sholud look like this. (rendertime 2:40 min. on a P4 2Ghz 1Gb ram)

                  and the scene, you can change the intensity of the blue color by playing with the fog multiplier and changing the backgorund image.


                  If you can post your scene if you get what your looking for, i would like to see how you put my material to use.

                  A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


                  • #10
                    I've also made a test with caustics, (my second try at this and it worked).

                    Here is the file.



                    A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


                    • #11
                      thx a lot erik for both scene, caustic one is nice


                      • #12
                        thank you very much for the files it really helped me a lot...

                        I have one question: water element was a editable mesh so are there any rpiple or wave modifiers?-I saw many segments....
                        and still I cannot get the dimilar effect on my own model - there are no ripple or wave modifiers in my one.


                        • #13
                          make a plane and try the noise modifier


                          • #14
                            The model is indeed a mesh, a solid mesh gives better refraction. But it has so many faces because it is imported geometry from autocad. There are no modifiers used, just the bump map to make the waves.

                            A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


                            • #15
                              OK, I know this is a bit off topic, but i couldn't stop noticing ur grass texture (especially right next to the paver)... Could we sample your that secret as well... That subtle displacement makes it so unequal... sooo real...

                              thanx for the cool tips


