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Water for pool ...HOW TO ? Need help

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  • #31
    When creating a liquid, what is the method of creating the mesh. Are the faces on the same plane as the glass? I tried to create some water, and I am getting weird face rendering on some of the coplaner faces?

    Whats the best method for modeling?



    • #32
      Thx anyways but I know how to open the material its that when its in material editor its invisible and doesn't render. And yes Vray is on when I select it.


      • #33
        Matty: maybe it's a different version of Vray? I'm using the latest one.

        travistlo: the water in my rendering is just a plane


        • #34
          hey guys, for so long i have had a a doubt about modeling water and as the topic is talking about it, let me ask you: does matter if you make a water with a solid form or just a plane? in the past i have thought that if you build it as real world, like a solid model with several thichness depending of the swimingpool deep, we may should have several tones of blue going bylight blue to dark blue depending of how much deepest we were looking for the pool, but if i build teh water in just a plane i dont think this will hapen. Could someone clear my mind about this ?
          natal - brazil


          • #35

            Silver I have used planes for pool water, and it works perfect, with solid form I never had any success..



            • #36
              I used the water material for the project I'm working on and it's wonderful. I've had to tweak most of the settings on my bump parameters to get what I needed. Thanks for the material. You've helped me out alot here.
              Demonic possesion is only 9/10ths of the law. The Dark Mammal is your friend.


              • #37
                After posting a lot of questions myself its good to find that i am able to help people with something. Glad it worked out for you.

                A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


                • #38
                  Erik, first of all... thanks for sharing.

                  This is more a 3d max question I think:

                  In your file, when pressing "render", a window with knots to select the area to render shows up (its a doted square that appears on the prespective viewport. How do you do that??



                  • #39
                    do you have to use an animated bump map to animate the water or does it look good using a noise modifier on the plane and changing it at different points on the timeline?

                    sorry for the simple question, i've never actually animated within an animation before

                    i was hoping for a way of simply changing the water texture at one point of the timeline to animate it but this didnt work for me


                    • #40
                      Lupaz: This is called a render region and you can set in the max toolbar, see the image for details.

                      Paulison: I didn't animate the map, it would have no effect since i was rendering a still frame. If you want to animate water you can simply animate the phase parameter, see the image.

                      A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


                      • #41
                        Thanks a lot Erik!

                        I always wandered why wasn't there a tool just like that


                        • #42
                          :: Thank you dudes!! ::


                          • #43
                            i love the bushes at the top davehitt wonder how you made it. ive been trying but its not working out. any help would be appreciated.


                            • #44
                              i forgot to reply about the phase thing....for some reason it doesnt seem to want to work in viz2005 (same with viz4). If i press autokey and move ahead in the timeline and change the phase, the original phase value earlier in the timeline also changes (cannot animate using phase).

                              Am i doing this wrong ?


                              • #45
                                Someone correct me if i am wrong, but as far as i know it is not possible to animate the phase value in the Viz range.

                                A full render queu is a thing of beauty !

