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Proxy Grass

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  • Proxy Grass

    Grassy Hill Using OnyxGrass

    Model a terrain using SandBox tools.

    Create a circular patch of grass using Onyx Grass 2 (I used the Grass Cover True preset).

    Export the grass file to OBJ and use the method I describe in my Broadleaf Tree mesh tutorial to create the mesh using the ply2vrmesh utility.

    Using Chris Fullmer's Components onto Faces plugin, select the terrain and the proxy and apply the plug-in (Thanks to Ramy Hanna for this tip). It places a component at the center of each triangle and aligns it with the face. This seems to be the cleanest plugin to do grass although there are others such as MakeFur and Comp Sprayer you can try.

    Goodbye displacement grass!!!



    Components Onto Faces

    Here is one that uses Tak2hata's newly updated Make Fur plugin as the base of making the distributed proxy.


    MakeFur Plug-In v2.0.5
    Matthew Valero, ASAI

  • #2
    Cool, Thanks!! Can I add a wish for creating grass like maxwell or cinema4d. Create grass is automatically placed where a grass texture is placed.
    AMD Ryzen 9, RTX 2080Super, ArchiCAD 24, Vectorworks 2020, Sketchup 2021 Pro, Vray Next for Sketchup, Skatter, Twinmotion 2020


    • #3
      How do you guys work around placing grass around your buildings, specifically angled edges of paving etc, without parts of the proxy "interfering" with the non-grassed parts?

      For example, the edges of a driveway where the paved driveway meets the grassed lawn.


      • #4
        This is a good question. Peerman's suggestion would be the best solution. Another is to use OnyxTree Grass, export you grass area as an OBJ, populate in Onyx, and then bring that back in as a mesh.
        Matthew Valero, ASAI


        • #5
          Interesting. Am in the process of moving to 3dsmax so may just put up with it for now! Thanks.


          • #6
            ValeroStudio, since some users don't have access to other parts of the forum not all will be able to follow the links to the images in your post.
            One solution will be to post the images directly.
            Technical Support
            Chaos Group


            • #7
              So, I was looking at the OnyxGrass website, and was wondering: could you not import the faces comprising the grassy-areas, populate them in Onyx, and export as a 3DS file (or an OBJ) and then convert the whole shebang into a proxy? Instead of doing a little area that you'd scatter in SU?



              • #8
                From my experience, populating a large area in Onyx Grass was really slow. In theory, you can export your surface from SU into Onyx as OBJ, populate it, export the OBJ from Onyx, use the Obj2vrmesh utility to convert that into a proxy, import into SU. It works, but its not as smooth as I would like it. What we really need is V-Ray Fur in SU!
                Matthew Valero, ASAI


                • #9



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ValeroStudio View Post
                    From my experience, populating a large area in Onyx Grass was really slow. In theory, you can export your surface from SU into Onyx as OBJ, populate it, export the OBJ from Onyx, use the Obj2vrmesh utility to convert that into a proxy, import into SU. It works, but its not as smooth as I would like it. What we really need is V-Ray Fur in SU!

                    Look for "Make Fur v.2.1.0"

