Hi, I wanted to share my latest workflow blog post for getting a Vray rendered 3dsmax scene baked into Unity3d. I've been exploring this for months trying to refine a process that allows for taking scene for standard still renderings, and allows for quick VR conversion. At the moment I can get a scene into VR in about a day, which can work well for quick previz. Render power & render settings will off course affect this. Further time is needed to refine any issues that pop up during play through, and also time for further material refinement within Unity3d.
My Rift demo uses this process more or less, which can be found here -
I haven't worked with scenes that make heavy use of displacement or scattered objects, but for interiors it's been working pretty well. I can't wait to see more architecture projects that utilize VR and actually look decent.
Maybe at some point we'll get VrayRT for Unity3d?
Or just VrayRT VR?! With a bake option!
Hi, I wanted to share my latest workflow blog post for getting a Vray rendered 3dsmax scene baked into Unity3d. I've been exploring this for months trying to refine a process that allows for taking scene for standard still renderings, and allows for quick VR conversion. At the moment I can get a scene into VR in about a day, which can work well for quick previz. Render power & render settings will off course affect this. Further time is needed to refine any issues that pop up during play through, and also time for further material refinement within Unity3d.
My Rift demo uses this process more or less, which can be found here -
I haven't worked with scenes that make heavy use of displacement or scattered objects, but for interiors it's been working pretty well. I can't wait to see more architecture projects that utilize VR and actually look decent.
Maybe at some point we'll get VrayRT for Unity3d?
Or just VrayRT VR?! With a bake option!
