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User defined freeform multiregions for rendering specific areas of the VFB

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  • User defined freeform multiregions for rendering specific areas of the VFB


    since a long time I dream to free define regions with the mouse at the frame buffer, free shape, multiple areas. Today I needed to rerender some areas where I like to show different kind of wood on a seat in an interior - I found a solution.

    * create a black and white mask based on the first rendering, where the render regions are white on a black background
    * create a small sphere around your camera
    * create a material with an emissive layer only (grey or black emissive color) and set your region map at the transparency, set UVW type at "environment" -> "screen"
    * assign the material to the sphere around your camera
    * ready for rendering like looking through a keyhole

    The region mask can be created per free drawing white areas or per prerendered material ID mask.

    Maybe once a day multi region can be drawn direct at the frame buffer, but a first step to keep the workflow simple could be an option for a camera mask, where user can direct set a mask map. So, no spheres would be needed.

    Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

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