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VRayMultiSubTex quick assign?

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  • VRayMultiSubTex quick assign?

    Sometimes I need to apply around 20+/- maps inside a single VRayMultiSubTex.
    And sometime I need to apply around 20+/- maps inside many different VRayMultiSubTex.
    It happens to be very confusing and time consuming, as I wish I could

    Is there a way to quick assign all these maps in the slate material editor?
    (i am new to the slate material editor, I used the compact for years)
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  • #2
    I have tried slate connector script but it doesn't work with 3ds max 2016 and vray 3.20.02
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    • #3
      I guess something can be scripted. What are you using this for?

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vlado View Post
        I guess something can be scripted. What are you using this for?

        Best regards,
        Instead of multitexture

        Also, for example, I had a wall with few hundred boxes that each had be "individual" photos.

        Its nice to not have to use another plugin, but its a real pain loading multiple maps into multisubtex


        • #5
          Originally posted by AlexP View Post
          Instead of multitexture

          Also, for example, I had a wall with few hundred boxes that each had be "individual" photos.

          Its nice to not have to use another plugin, but its a real pain loading multiple maps into multisubtex
          The only reason I started using max more is because of the plugins and scripts actually, I think I use 50% of the basic max functions, the rest are plugins and scripts. But I can understand that it would be a nice thing to have.



          • #6
            I have a lot of objects with sometimes huge multisub materials with a lot of maps. There are a lot of cases I am not satisfied with the whole object gamma, color or brightness and I want to change it.
            I found a way to do this but it requires a lot of time connecting to the VRayMultiSubTex, so I am searching for a quick solution.

            I have tried slate connector. It seems to work fine with corona (according to user feedback) but I couldn't make it work with 3ds max 2016.
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            • #7
              Just tried out Slate connector, doesn't seems to support Vray, or at least non of Vray's maps, only the standard max once.

              Agree with a dialogue box for multi maps loader.
              Has been asked here already :

              3LP Team


              • #8
                Originally posted by 3LP View Post
                Agree with a dialogue box for multi maps loader.
                Has been asked here already :
                This would only work with bitmaps though. I have no idea how this would work if you wanted to connect several 3ds Max textures.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vlado View Post
                  This would only work with bitmaps though. I have no idea how this would work if you wanted to connect several 3ds Max textures. Best regards, Vlado
                  I understand, but is loading something else than bitmaps really needed? I haven't seen any request of someone wanting to load 20 different noise maps.

                  I think the most important is having a multi map loader with possibility to change hue/sat/gamma value. Essentially, it should replace multi-texture for those who don't want to work with outside plugs, or like me, who like to get that working in RT

                  3LP Team


                  • #10
                    I just set up VrayMultiSubTex to object ID, connected all desired maps to it, output to color correction and then the color correction output back to all vraymtls in the multisub.
                    It worked just fine, but it takes very long time to connect all the dots.
                    This is a signature.


                    • #11
                      Can you show me the graph of that setup in Slate?

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

