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Material Property Maps

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  • Material Property Maps

    Dear Chaosgroup team,

    I have here some scanned material properties that I want to post. We have a new texturescanner that automatically outputs the following material properties as textures:


    While the usage of maps like diffuse, alpha, normal is quite clear to me, I would like to ask some question about the other map channels and their usage in Vray.
    The texture output is originally not designed for Vray, but for Deltagen, but I want to use these textures in Max with Vray as well:

    1. Anisotropy.

    The outcome is a texturemap that has only a varying red value. Green and blue is completely black. So the red value is from 0.0 - 1.0.
    How does this work with Vray's anisotropy, which is from -1.0 to 1.0 and has also an anisotropy rotation from 0.0 to 360°?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	sample_anisotropy.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	165.5 KB
ID:	883117

    2. Roughness

    The outcome is a texturemap that has the roughness stored in the Red-channel. Is it correct that the roughness in Vray which ranges from 0.0 - 1.0 is proportional to the roughness in this texture map, which is from 0.0 - 1.0 (0 - 255)?
    Sample Roughness:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	sample_roughness.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	169.6 KB
ID:	883118

    3. Shininess

    The shininess value is encoded in two channels in this texture, red and green. So the texture stores two vectors. Could you tell me if this texture would work with the Vray glossiness value and how? Or does it also needs to be plugged into the anisotropy rotation?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	sample_shininess.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	314.2 KB
ID:	883115

    4. Specular

    The specular texture is most probably the reflection color texture in Vray. Is it correct that a scanned specular texture is always colored as in this sample and not greyscale as I am used it? Does it correspond at all to the reflection color map channel in Vray?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	sample_specular.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	295.1 KB
ID:	883116

    Thank you much for your help!


    Max, VRay, Fusion: