I thought this might come handy...
I did a bunch of batches to automate the installation of Vray and Phoenix to match the speed of updates of nighties...
The first one send a cmdjob
cmdjob.exe -jobName "UPDATE_VRAY" -priority 100 -manager manager -suspended -progress -leaveInQueue -dontBlockTasks -group FVVFX -numTasks 8 "c:\UpdateVray.bat"
manager is obviously the name or IP of your manager on the intranet, FVVFX is the pool of render nodes, created with BB monitor, we update the workstation normally, the numTasks is 8 because lots of nodes are in deep space sleep right now, put your number of servers to update.
on each render nodes there is a UpdateVray.bat at the root of c:\
which is
"\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\Install_Vray.bat"
you could put that in place of the first .bat, it should work the same way, not sure why I did that...
now this is Install_Vray.bat
Set "LastVray=vray_adv_33004_max2016_x64.exe"
Set "LastPhnx=phoenixFD_adv_22501_max2016_vray_30_x64.exe"
Set "VrayPath=\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\vray\"
Set "PhnxPath=\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\phoenixFD\"
Set InstallVray=%VrayPath%%LastVray%
Set InstallPhnx=%PhnxPath%%LastPhnx%
Set "Vconfig=\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\Vray_Silent_Config.xml"
Set "Pconfig=\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\Phnx_Silent_config.xml"
Set "VrayDR=vrayspawner2016.exe"
TASKKILL /f /im %VrayDR%
TASKKILL /f /im 3dsmax.exe
"%InstallVray%" -gui=0 -configFile="%Vconfig%" -quiet=1
"%InstallPhnx%" -configFile="%Pconfig%"
RMDIR /S /Q C:\Users\samples
RMDIR /S /Q C:\PhoenixFD
"C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\3dsmax 2016 for x64\setvrlservice.exe" -server=VrayDongleIP
"C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2016 for x64\setvrlservice.exe" -server=VrayDongleIP
SHUTDOWN /r /t 0 /f
I manually change only the first two variables with updated file names in notepad, save and restart the job in backburner...
for the silent installs, read chaos group online help...
I hope it helps!
I thought this might come handy...
I did a bunch of batches to automate the installation of Vray and Phoenix to match the speed of updates of nighties...
The first one send a cmdjob
cmdjob.exe -jobName "UPDATE_VRAY" -priority 100 -manager manager -suspended -progress -leaveInQueue -dontBlockTasks -group FVVFX -numTasks 8 "c:\UpdateVray.bat"
manager is obviously the name or IP of your manager on the intranet, FVVFX is the pool of render nodes, created with BB monitor, we update the workstation normally, the numTasks is 8 because lots of nodes are in deep space sleep right now, put your number of servers to update.
on each render nodes there is a UpdateVray.bat at the root of c:\
which is
"\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\Install_Vray.bat"
you could put that in place of the first .bat, it should work the same way, not sure why I did that...
now this is Install_Vray.bat
Set "LastVray=vray_adv_33004_max2016_x64.exe"
Set "LastPhnx=phoenixFD_adv_22501_max2016_vray_30_x64.exe"
Set "VrayPath=\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\vray\"
Set "PhnxPath=\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\phoenixFD\"
Set InstallVray=%VrayPath%%LastVray%
Set InstallPhnx=%PhnxPath%%LastPhnx%
Set "Vconfig=\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\Vray_Silent_Config.xml"
Set "Pconfig=\\yourServerAdress\Installs\3dsMax\Chaos Group\Nightly\Phnx_Silent_config.xml"
Set "VrayDR=vrayspawner2016.exe"
TASKKILL /f /im %VrayDR%
TASKKILL /f /im 3dsmax.exe
"%InstallVray%" -gui=0 -configFile="%Vconfig%" -quiet=1
"%InstallPhnx%" -configFile="%Pconfig%"
RMDIR /S /Q C:\Users\samples
RMDIR /S /Q C:\PhoenixFD
"C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\3dsmax 2016 for x64\setvrlservice.exe" -server=VrayDongleIP
"C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2016 for x64\setvrlservice.exe" -server=VrayDongleIP
SHUTDOWN /r /t 0 /f
I manually change only the first two variables with updated file names in notepad, save and restart the job in backburner...
for the silent installs, read chaos group online help...
I hope it helps!