Part 1is a overview of Setting up the Basic setup for V-ray nuke for lighting.
Here I take the Chance to explain some basic steps to keep the render fast with V-ray Proxy, using V-rayDirt and Ambient light to fake GI, Some basic idea to build Lighting Gizmos using Pworld and Nworld, Light Blockers with Card and Roto node.
I go on a bit of a rant so feel free to skip forward a bit, Feel free to ask any thing you feel like and for some of the rally complex questions or good one ill make a FAQ video,
Part 2 will be released next week this one will covers using root shapes to fix Photogramtry line up and deep rendering work flow and deep samples in nuke.
Here I take the Chance to explain some basic steps to keep the render fast with V-ray Proxy, using V-rayDirt and Ambient light to fake GI, Some basic idea to build Lighting Gizmos using Pworld and Nworld, Light Blockers with Card and Roto node.
I go on a bit of a rant so feel free to skip forward a bit, Feel free to ask any thing you feel like and for some of the rally complex questions or good one ill make a FAQ video,
Part 2 will be released next week this one will covers using root shapes to fix Photogramtry line up and deep rendering work flow and deep samples in nuke.