I can’t get Blender to render Motion Blur.
What am I doing wrong?
Setup (Website doesn’t allow me to upload the blend file to show you the file I created):
Cube on frame 1 on left side of the camer, on frame 3 on the right side, I am rendering frame 2.
Camera moves from bottom to top.
So both Blurs are used - Motion and Camera.
Tried both normal and physical Camera. Played around with various settings. I alwyas get sharp renders as if the setting was not applied at all. DoF is working, motion blur is not working.
What am I doing wrong?
Setup (Website doesn’t allow me to upload the blend file to show you the file I created):
Cube on frame 1 on left side of the camer, on frame 3 on the right side, I am rendering frame 2.
Camera moves from bottom to top.
So both Blurs are used - Motion and Camera.
Tried both normal and physical Camera. Played around with various settings. I alwyas get sharp renders as if the setting was not applied at all. DoF is working, motion blur is not working.