V-Ray Next users ought to run vdenoise.exe (from your v-ray installation folder, "bin" subfolder) from windows explorer, so to get a nice UI, like so:

-- Old post, non-Next V-Ray users only --
It's a macroscript I wrote to help with sequences' post-process denoising.
It works with VRImage files and Multi-layer EXR files, best written directly from the raw file output of V-Ray (but provided the elements are there, any exr will in fact do.), with auto-numbering detection.
*) RUN the file called ""
*)Select, from the top menus, "Customize->Customize User Interface..."
*)From the "Category" pulldown choose "VRay", scroll to the very bottom, and find "vDenoise Command Line Tool Helper UI", like shown in the image below.
*)With it selected, you can assign it to a shortcut (I used ctrl+alt+shift+v, which is free by default in max), a menu, a toolbar or a quad menu, as you see fit, through standard max operations.

Once the new tool is run, the UI appears:

1)Click "Pick a File in your sequence..."
2)Pick a .VRImg or.Exr file from anywhere in a sequence (ie. no need to pick the first.).
3a)Click "Denoise it!"
4a)Find the denoised results into the input files folder.
3b)Ctrl+Click "Denoise it!" : a dialog will appear informing you the command line has been copied to clipboard (press ctrl+shift to skip the message box entirely)
4b)Open a command window, paste your command line, change it as you wish, and run it.
This will auto-detect sequences and change the frame blending to 1 (once only. It can be overridden manually.).
UI controls will activate only if they make sense to do so, depending on user choices. When disabled, their displayed values are not taken into account.
Known Limitations:
Multiple dot sequences in image names will fail (denoiseMe......exr), and not failing would require some annoying string parsing: please make sure a Dot's there for a reason (ie. add something in between them!). ^^
The script will always build the shortest possible command line, so if some options are enabled, but do not appear explicitly in the command line printed out in the listener, it is because those options in their current state, are provided as defaults by the executable (f.e.: Manual mode, radius 10, or strength 1.0).
Controlling the denoising operations from the command window which opens up will confirm it.
Saving a preset with the name "default" (non case-sensitive) will load it automatically on startup.
Should it find such a preset, and load it, it'll automatically roll-up the presets rollout, so it'll be out of your way, and shorten the dialog.
If the file picking button tooltip always contains the full picked path, handy in case the button is cutting it off.
The script is fully tool-tipped: be kind to the poor soul which had to write them and spend a second reading them! : This is somewhat QAd (by you kind people) and it works within its limits. If unsure, download and use this one.
Edits and ChangeLog:
04-06-2016: Generally Strengthened the file pathing and number detection routine, It now supports network paths and arbitrarily dotted files, provided the numbers in between the dots are ONLY numbers.
f.e.: denoiseMe.RGB_Color.A.Few.More.Dotted.Bits.In.TheI mage.Name.0000.exr will work, while
denoiseMe.RGB_Color.A.Few.More.Dotted.Bits.In.TheI mage.Name.00a00.exr will be considered a single image.
07-06-2016: Now uses the variable "VRAY_OSL_PATH_3DSMAX20XX_x64" to build the denoiser path, safer than the max installation one (Thanks Blago).
19-06-2016: Updated for 3.40.02 (sp4 hotfix), to include the -frames option to pick a subset of frames to denoise in a sequence, rationalised the interface and added ctrl+click to copy the command line to the Windows clipboard.
25-06-2016: Fixed a logic issue for the UI which prevented per-element denoising if a non-manual preset mode was selected.
26-06-2016: Added a dropdown to choose process priority, however to be able to do that i had to change the way i invoke the denoiser, and this also leads to two command windows being open. Available as B version for the time being.
18-08-2016: Removed the ugly B version. Added a BackBurner Enabled version which needs testing.
19-08-2016: Updated the BB version to -hopefully- a working one. definitely more time needed on that release, so be warned.
19-12-2016: Removed the BB version. Please don't use it, nor ask for any support on it. Feel free to change the script to suit your needs however, should you have downloaded it already.
V-Ray Next users ought to run vdenoise.exe (from your v-ray installation folder, "bin" subfolder) from windows explorer, so to get a nice UI, like so:
-- Old post, non-Next V-Ray users only --
It's a macroscript I wrote to help with sequences' post-process denoising.
It works with VRImage files and Multi-layer EXR files, best written directly from the raw file output of V-Ray (but provided the elements are there, any exr will in fact do.), with auto-numbering detection.
*) RUN the file called ""
*)Select, from the top menus, "Customize->Customize User Interface..."
*)From the "Category" pulldown choose "VRay", scroll to the very bottom, and find "vDenoise Command Line Tool Helper UI", like shown in the image below.
*)With it selected, you can assign it to a shortcut (I used ctrl+alt+shift+v, which is free by default in max), a menu, a toolbar or a quad menu, as you see fit, through standard max operations.
Once the new tool is run, the UI appears:
1)Click "Pick a File in your sequence..."
2)Pick a .VRImg or.Exr file from anywhere in a sequence (ie. no need to pick the first.).
3a)Click "Denoise it!"
4a)Find the denoised results into the input files folder.
3b)Ctrl+Click "Denoise it!" : a dialog will appear informing you the command line has been copied to clipboard (press ctrl+shift to skip the message box entirely)
4b)Open a command window, paste your command line, change it as you wish, and run it.
This will auto-detect sequences and change the frame blending to 1 (once only. It can be overridden manually.).
UI controls will activate only if they make sense to do so, depending on user choices. When disabled, their displayed values are not taken into account.
Known Limitations:
Multiple dot sequences in image names will fail (denoiseMe......exr), and not failing would require some annoying string parsing: please make sure a Dot's there for a reason (ie. add something in between them!). ^^
The script will always build the shortest possible command line, so if some options are enabled, but do not appear explicitly in the command line printed out in the listener, it is because those options in their current state, are provided as defaults by the executable (f.e.: Manual mode, radius 10, or strength 1.0).
Controlling the denoising operations from the command window which opens up will confirm it.
Saving a preset with the name "default" (non case-sensitive) will load it automatically on startup.
Should it find such a preset, and load it, it'll automatically roll-up the presets rollout, so it'll be out of your way, and shorten the dialog.
If the file picking button tooltip always contains the full picked path, handy in case the button is cutting it off.
The script is fully tool-tipped: be kind to the poor soul which had to write them and spend a second reading them! : This is somewhat QAd (by you kind people) and it works within its limits. If unsure, download and use this one.
Edits and ChangeLog:
04-06-2016: Generally Strengthened the file pathing and number detection routine, It now supports network paths and arbitrarily dotted files, provided the numbers in between the dots are ONLY numbers.
f.e.: denoiseMe.RGB_Color.A.Few.More.Dotted.Bits.In.TheI mage.Name.0000.exr will work, while
denoiseMe.RGB_Color.A.Few.More.Dotted.Bits.In.TheI mage.Name.00a00.exr will be considered a single image.
07-06-2016: Now uses the variable "VRAY_OSL_PATH_3DSMAX20XX_x64" to build the denoiser path, safer than the max installation one (Thanks Blago).
19-06-2016: Updated for 3.40.02 (sp4 hotfix), to include the -frames option to pick a subset of frames to denoise in a sequence, rationalised the interface and added ctrl+click to copy the command line to the Windows clipboard.
25-06-2016: Fixed a logic issue for the UI which prevented per-element denoising if a non-manual preset mode was selected.
26-06-2016: Added a dropdown to choose process priority, however to be able to do that i had to change the way i invoke the denoiser, and this also leads to two command windows being open. Available as B version for the time being.
18-08-2016: Removed the ugly B version. Added a BackBurner Enabled version which needs testing.
19-08-2016: Updated the BB version to -hopefully- a working one. definitely more time needed on that release, so be warned.
19-12-2016: Removed the BB version. Please don't use it, nor ask for any support on it. Feel free to change the script to suit your needs however, should you have downloaded it already.