One of the best tips I have picked up from this board is that for any new scene, convert all your materials to a plain vray material, add some basic vray lights and use this to fine tune your lighting settings. Instead of an 8 hour test render, im now waiting 1 minute for a test render that gives me the same information in regards to lighting.
Ive learnt a lot tonight just from going through all the settings and adjusting each setting slightly and taking note of the effects.
Anyway, just thought Id share this tip for any other people who are new to vray and struggling with lighting.
I think I originally picked this up from a post Natty made recently so yeah thanks dood!
Ive learnt a lot tonight just from going through all the settings and adjusting each setting slightly and taking note of the effects.
Anyway, just thought Id share this tip for any other people who are new to vray and struggling with lighting.
I think I originally picked this up from a post Natty made recently so yeah thanks dood!