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Mocap tutorial

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  • Mocap tutorial

    Would anyone be interested in a mouse driven motion capture tutorial? Not particularly vray and not particularly complex, but if you've never done it yourself, might be helpful.


    video is xvid I believe. Get it here:

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."

  • #2
    YEAH looks cool Perc.. a little to smooth maybe. so are you doing the tut ?


    • #3
      ya if its wanted.

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        yeah go for it Percy.. what format?


        • #5
          well I could give video a go, but I would have to pick up a microphone. Frankly I think it could probably be just as informative in html format. But Id like to give video a try. Will see what I can do this weekend.

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #6
            Yeah video is a lot less work..

            I use these guy's .......


            • #7
              Quite cool!
              Yeah make the tut man
              I used mouse mocap a while ago for my bathroom render. Works quite well for that sorta stuff. I did mine quite quickly so its quite rough but did the job at the time. See below

              I also second the use of Camtasia its brilliant.
              Didn't I put you onto that Natty hehehe

              One thing to remember about camtasia, is to make sure you use its codec (it does by default) but what i mean is dont recompress the video afterwards otherwise you will loose the advantage that the codec offers. And drop your screen res to 1024 or so when making the video...for 2 reason
              1. It will make the video just that much smaller (MB size wise)
              2. It really needs to be watched at 100% (otherwise it look odd) so a 1600x1200 video will be quite inconvienient for alot of people.

              And as for audio, just add it in afterwords using a Video editing package. That way you can pick up the mic then or just leave the audio out altogether.


              • #8
                yeah you did Daforce .. and never looked back


                • #9


                  • #10
                    actually. i broke a mouse appart once. took the two rollers inside that get moved by the ball and read vertical and horizontal movement. then i attached them to a tripod so that one roller would be rolled when i panned the camera and the other one would capture when i tilted the tripod. which in itself allowed me to capture my tripod movements. what i wanted to do was to create my own dolly with tracks and use a mouse with a wheel so that the wheel would roll on the tracks and capture the camera dolly while the other two capture the tripod. If someone had a laptop computer it would make for a very cheap motion capture system that can be setup on location. each motion capture could be saved and labeled with the shot numbers and take numbers to classify which motion capture file went with which take.

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.


                    • #11
                      wow Did you use a real camcorder? It looks a realitic scene !!
                      Great!! I am looking forward to learning lots of tips from your tut as soon as possible !!!


                      • #12
                        Ill see what I can throw together this weekend. No promises though.

                        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                        • #13
                          yo percy, whatever happened to this?
                          5 years and counting.


                          • #14
                            ACK! need to get a microphone, and need to refine the technique as I spend alot of time in the curve editor adjusting. When I have those down then Ill create the tutorial. Haven't forgotten about it though.

                            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                            • #15
                              supper ! Pls made tutorial ! thanx alot !!!!!

