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How to fillet between surfaces?

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  • #16
    ok percy's method making that. Obviously other ways of doing it. video tutorial even better daforce.

    Step 1. Make box. Give it 6 segments on all sides. Convert it to E poly

    Step 2. Choose all verts inside the edge and non uniform scale them like so. This will make your sharp edge after meshsmooth. The closer to the edge they are, the sharper the crease after smoothing

    Step 3.

    Create a sphere and place it like so. Make sure its aligned on the X and Y for one of the views. We'll be using it for a guide.

    Step 4. Select the inner verts and non uniform scale them until they fit the edge of sphere. Remember how far it was scaled. In my attempt it was 141 units. Do the same for all sides of sphere until you get the following:

    Step 5. Select faces like so.

    Step 6. Now it gets fun. Click the bevel button next to the word bevel. Will bring up a dialogue box. Change height and outline until you get something like below. The smaller the initial outline, the tighter the crease will be after meshsmooth

    Step 7. Click apply. will automatically repeat last bevel. Adjust and reclick apply following form of sphere. Do it again and again until you reach end of the sphere.

    Step 8. Get out of subobject mode and click your meshsmooth. Give it a couple subdivides and your done!.

    If you like you can go into subobject mode for the meshsmooth, select edges and apply crease weights to make sharper creases on the edges. Hoped this helped.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #17
      Not bad Percy, not bad at all

      I can think of about atleast 3 ways i could do it. Might show quick examples of each.


      • #18
        hehe I can think of 4... do I hear 5?

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #19
          haha depends, could think of heaps , but they wouldnt really be that pheasable...hahaha


          • #20
            naw I was just kidding. I could think of maybe a couple more ways to do it, but like you said after that, they are "just another way to do it for the sake of having another way to do it."

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #21
              In the end its what ever works best for yourself and the situation


              • #22
                It's been about a year since I come out of boolean re-hab! Your right, booleans are just a tease for max noobs, i was one of those, someone who asked this very same question about 3 years ago on Renderosity only to be shot down with comments like...RTFM by more experienced maxers! I'm glad to see you guys are a bit more sympathetic Something like this, I'd create a six sided cube, chamfer all edges, select all 6 faces & tessellate (diagonally). Select all new centralised verts & chamfer again to create the new faces. Select all new faces (6 alltogether), and inner extrude. Then give it 2 it's of meshsmooth!


                • #23
                  It's been about a year since I come out of boolean re-hab! Your right, booleans are just a tease for max noobs, i was one of those, someone who asked this very same question about 3 years ago on Renderosity only to be shot down with comments like...RTFM by more experienced maxers! I'm glad to see you guys are a bit more sympathetic Something like this, I'd create a six sided cube, chamfer all edges, select all 6 faces & tessellate (diagonally). Select all new centralised verts & chamfer again to create the new faces. Select all new faces (6 alltogether), and inner extrude. Then give it 2 it's of meshsmooth!


                  • #24
                    i still use booleans. its a quick and dirty way to cut windows and doors into walls and i leave it as boolean so i can always alter possitions at clients request.

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.


                    • #25
                      Yeah booleans have a time and a long as you dont wanna do much to the mesh afterwards...they are great...LOL


                      • #26
                        I always feel dirty after using max's Best way for me is like what someone else said for making walls with windows and such. draw splines for your walls and window openings, attach them and then extrude. comes out perfectly...

                        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                        • #27
                          the less poligons the best way you can move them


                          • #28
                            the exact same thingy could be done in max as well hey Zuli.


                            • #29
                              Hi guys, I´have a similar question I´ve already asked forum but with no real succes yet.
                              Zuliban, you have shown a realy good example (Section Image uploads-Telescop thred) on how to make a round holes on poly surface.
                              I have unfortunately for me been unable to recreate your example. Can you or anybody else come with some more detailed instructions.


                              • #30
                                i still use booleans. its a quick and dirty way to cut windows and doors into walls and i leave it as boolean so i can always alter possitions at clients request.
                                The new bridge tool in editable poly is really really easy for making holes for doors in windows in walls.

